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Thry'iseses<span id="thryiseses"></span>
The realm that Vikret inhabits is a beautiful yet equally terrifying land, distinctly separated into three "districts" of power. Colderra lies at the bottom of these three regions, and is seen as a place where lesser Elementals and magical Aspects dwell until called upon. The area itself appears akin to the living worlds we dwell in, but in a purely natural state. Wild, hyper-magical storms consistently cover the skies, while massive super volcanoes are present at every turn. Though the land is fertile and beautiful, it is very dangerous, and extremely inhospitable.
The realm that Vikret inhabits is a beautiful yet equally terrifying land, distinctly separated into three "districts" of power. Colderra lies at the bottom of these three regions, and is seen as a place where lesser Elementals and magical Aspects dwell until called upon. The area itself appears akin to the living worlds we dwell in, but in a purely natural state. Wild, hyper-magical storms consistently cover the skies, while massive super volcanoes are present at every turn. Though the land is fertile and beautiful, it is very dangerous, and extremely inhospitable.

Latest revision as of 00:49, 8 March 2021


The Lady of Magic

Titles: The Maiden of Knowledge, Keeper of the Great Beyond, Queen of Myth and Legend
Motto: "The answer to a good question is to raise more questions than answers."
Holy Colors: Violet, Navy Blue
Common Worshipers: Mages, Mystics, Fortune Tellers, Alchemists and Scholars
Domains: Magic, Knowledge, Curiosity, Alchemy and Divination
Sub-Domains: The Veil, Research and Legends
Holy Lands: N/A
Favored Objects: Magical Items, Instruments and Books


Nalyuts is generally seen as a bit of an oddity for Demi-Servants. Though he upholds the domains of Curiosity and Legend alike, Nalyuts does not tend to care much for the mortal races as a whole. Driven by the unseen thirst for Knowledge, it sneakily remains in the mortal plane disguised as a middle-aged librarian. Though no one truly knows what it looks like, Nalyuts is sometimes seen forming as visages from the descriptions of books, and short stories. Vikret and Nalyuts share a close friendship, primarily from the common passion centered toward knowledge and learning, despite their Master-Servant status.


Erika is one of few Demi-Servants that remain on the Mortal plane and is open about their status. Watching over the spirit tree for decades, Erika is the only Demi-Servant to be formed from two gods, rather than just one. Daughter to both Vikret and Arvora, Erika commonly appears in the form of a humanoid dragon, a powerful mythical beast, despite bearing the heavy stipulations that she must uphold while residing in Aversia. Erika assists with the domain of Magic alongside her mother, and acts as the first line of defense against the endless horrors of the Veil.


Eons passed, and the universe flowed with alacrity towards a point that none could yet discern. The Lord of Infinity was alone throughout the planes, the sole modicum of sentience throughout all that could be considered creation. Studying, learning and growing in power he was, yet something was lacking. The All-Father, despite his infinite power, could not achieve something for the first time since his own dawn. He could not understand, or even fathom the feeling that was creeping over him. The feeling of loneliness that was ever present within the endless depths of the void.

Something changed within him at that moment of realization. A second, or modicum of clarity that granted him direction once more despite the impossible roadblock that existed. He found that above all else, he required a companion. The Universe, despite all that there was to learn, and to discover, was empty. One could travel to the edge of the continuum and back again, yet still lack that warmth of another person to speak with. As the Balancekeeper looked across the planes one final time by his lonesome, he began to gather to himself, and the residual energies that remained from the conflict between Absence and Creation. Coalescing it into a singular form over centuries, the breath of life and soul was given to the entity that sat before his very eyes.

Granting it powers that rivaled his own despite some original hesitance, the beings creation sent a ripple throughout all of time and space-, forming the plane that has come to be known as Thry'iseses, a well and source for the infinite energy of the Arcane. Seeing the work that he had done, and finding that it was satisfactory, he named the creation Vikret- his equal in both mind and body.

Soon, the two of them became close, partners in the scientific sense, and a pair, both brother and sister, in the emotional. The two of them grew in both power and knowledge as they dwelled with one another, forming, designing, and drawing to fruition that which they thought to place interest in. But despite the closeness they shared, the inevitable madness that was isolation eventually returned, and another drastic decision was made, to finally destroy that terrible fate, once and for all.

Vikret's Doctrine

Magic must not fall unto the hands of those who seek to destroy it. The Veil must always remain intact, lest destruction take hold of the planes. To use knowledge as an unrestricted source of power is to ruin its worth entirely.

Plane of Origin


The realm that Vikret inhabits is a beautiful yet equally terrifying land, distinctly separated into three "districts" of power. Colderra lies at the bottom of these three regions, and is seen as a place where lesser Elementals and magical Aspects dwell until called upon. The area itself appears akin to the living worlds we dwell in, but in a purely natural state. Wild, hyper-magical storms consistently cover the skies, while massive super volcanoes are present at every turn. Though the land is fertile and beautiful, it is very dangerous, and extremely inhospitable.

Above Colderra lies the broken Isles of Brina, and the home of Greater Aspects and Elementals. The lands of Brina are a series of massive archipelagos, floating in the skies countless miles above Colderra, and providing fuel to it's storms with the endless waterfalls that flow down from it's broken riverbeds. Along the Isles, anything from a prairie to a desert can be seen, as it's ecosystems support any number of magical-based life across it's countless Islands. Magic is far more stable here, and while it remains far from hospitable, it is nowhere near as dangerous as Colderra.

Finally, within view of Brina lies the third region of Aethria, the smallest, yet most powerful region of the land. Aethria is not so much an Island as it is a massive sphere, with millions of leylines extending forth from it's vast surface. These leylines will transport mana to other planes and realms, feeding into the ground and skies, and saturating the worlds with their very essence. Within this massive sphere lies the center of all Magic, aptly called the "Well of Arcana" by those of the lower realms. Vikret and her direct servants inhabit this massive sphere of unknown origin, maintaining and upholding the massive superstructure.

Ideal Realm

The ideal realm of Vikret is one where Magic and Knowledge reign free without restraint, and without limit to it's possibilities.


The Mana Willow Festival

At the perfect moment where Glacies Vikret concludes and Floreo begins, joyous songs of praise and prayer are heard by those gathering above the intricate Leylines that intertwine beneath the surface of Aethius. Underneath the strong branches of the mystical Mana Willows, stands are set up selling food and arcane trinkets to visitors during the festivities. In times of strife, this is a sanctuary to all mages, who show themselves boldly among the Aethian crowds. All sept long, jovial activities continue and people rejoice with each surge of the Leyline. At the third, the visiting mages from far and wide come forth to entertain the observers with true shows of the beautiful power of Vikret in the form of mystics and battle. Once it is concluded and each visitor has offered thanks to Vikret's gates, they depart back to their lives and rejoice in the long awaited presence of Floreo, the rebirth of life.


  • Holds a cooperative bond with Vassas and Arvora.
  • Keeps a watchful eye on the reckless Veltes.
  • And is neutral toward all other members of the pantheon.

Myths and Speculation

  • It is said that Vikret tends to borrow books from large libraries when she grows bored.
  • Rumor has it that Vikret's leylines are actually leeches, draining the life-force slowly from our world.
The Gods
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier