The Waters of Salvation
The Waters of Salvation are famous and notorious throughout the world. It never stays in one spot, yet captures the beauty of the gods in many ways. The waters are crystal clear, yet hold a beautiful light blue light to it. It is all Holy Water, concentrated in such an amount that the area itself permeates with divine energies. Many seek out this place in times of true desperation, the last card in one's hand. But, that is why it never stays in one spot. The Waters of Salvation are exactly what the name is, salvation. Appearing nearby in great time of need. Many of those who came back saying they had found the waters were discredited, because when they went back to said location; the Waters were gone.
The Waters themselves are notably tied to the deity of Veltes. Its waters resemble the Holy Water that Veltes bestows upon his Blessed, and one can feel His presence whilst standing in the cavern of the Waters themselves. It fills the people who enter with a sense of comfort, a hand on the shoulder. A sense of righteousness, to do what is right, over what is easy.
[A DM is required to find the Waters of Salvation.]
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