Morto's Malady

From Aethier
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Morto’s Malady and its origin is an anomaly of sorts, though most believe it came directly from the Plaguebringer’s hand. It was never considered a true disease, but never thought of as a curse. Its orientation to the world lies between the act of Reviving the dead. In the event of a revival, Morto’s grip does not fail to follow in rare cases. The disease latches onto the soul itself, carrying it to the vessel upon revival. When revived, the disease will quickly attempt to fully infect the being in question. More often than not, this will take place when one is revived through other means outside of the Ascended. The infected will find their skin and muscle tightening, making movement difficult, and forcing them to appear almost ghoul-like. Additionally, the infected will lose a single sense, that is entirely random. Finally, should the infected house an aurum in their soul, their pool will be harmed temporarily.

Though Morto’s Malady is not chronic in any way, should one die with it in the time frame the house the disease, they will find the symptoms they held to be permanent.


Morto’s Malady has no possible or known cure. The best way to survive it is to simply wait out it’s symptoms.


Morto’s Malady cannot spread person to person. The only way to acquire it is through revival. To contract Morto’s Malady, the player in question must roll a 1d20 and beat a 14 or higher. Should they roll lower, the infected will become immediately afflicted with the disease. Ascended Revivals have a natural resistance to the disease, making their rolls rather different. Those rules can be found here.


  • Upon Revival: In the event that someone is resurrected and contract the disease. They are given a window of escape, not feeling a single thing for the first OOC hour. After that, they must continue onto the next stage.
  • First Sept (1 OOC day): The infected feels their body shrivel, tighten and constrict. They grow weaker and slower by a single stage, following the strength and speed chart. Their eyes drain of life, while their body appears sickly and pale. Additionally, the infected must roll a 1d5 to decide their loss of sense.
    • 1 = Touch
    • 2 = Sight
    • 3 = Smell
    • 4 = Taste
    • 5 = Hearing
  • Second Sept (2 OOC Days): The infected will find that their aurum has faltered, and a fraction of their pool (aura, shakti, mana, etc.) has been sapped by the disease to power itself.
    • Aura: -3 Aura.
    • Shakti: -3 Shakti.
    • Mana: -7 Mana.
  • First Mense (1 OOC week): After time continues with the disease. The infected grow faster, feeling their ability to move as quick as they once could return. However their strength remains lowered.
  • Second Mense (2 OOC weeks): After the disease has fully passed through the infected, and they prove their will to survive, they are relieved from the disease, as their pool and strength is restored to their body, along with their missing sense.
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The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier