Official Newcomer Guide

From Aethier
Revision as of 21:49, 31 January 2021 by RedAttendant (talk | contribs)


Welcome to Aethier- a fantasy medieval roleplaying server! If you are a new player reading this thread, we are excited to see you show the interest in joining and only want you to feel comfortable during your first days growing familiar to our forums, community, and of course the online server. There is a lot to discover on Aethier, possessing a wide variety of different lore pieces, all of which are in great depth. While everything may at first seem overwhelming, do not fret. Much of the first days are adapting, and many players are willing to answer any questions a new player may have.

Regarding roleplay, you may find there are many different styles each player has for themself. Aethier is not specific in attention to present or past tense writing. Separation between actions and dialogue is needed, of course, yet immersion and conformation to the historical timeline the server has been set in is likely the most important when roleplaying- that and well formulated writing! By taking in these brief guidelines, enjoyable roleplay is just up the road, making the server fun for both veteran and new players alike.

Becoming familiar with the lore and Aethier’s different systems is the next step. This thread helps with all the first steps a player must take in order to feel more settled in, including basic help for both forums and on-server scenarios. It narrows down our broad range of lore just to focus in on the larger details a newcomer must know of before joining. We hope you find these guidelines helpful, and that you will soon have fun on the Aethier server!

Knowing the Lore


Creating a Character - Races:

Of course the first steps to becoming familiar with the Aethier server is to create a character! We have an extensive thread all about our races, each one being described separately with different and unique characteristics. While taking the time to read each one can give you a much broader perspective on which you would like to play the most, it can take a long time. If you are eager to hop onto the server and would rather gradually sift through the lore over time as you play, then look no further- linked below is each playable race, along with a basic overview of each one for an easier understanding of any new player.


The races in each class are listed in order from the most played, to the least played.

Click here if you would like to see the entire race forums. Click on a name if you would like to view the entire lore of that race.

Below we have brief overviews of the various races in the lore.



Common Height: Male: 5'6" - 6' Female: 5'1" - 5'7" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph

Common Eyes: Brown, Grey, Hazel, Green, Blue

Common Hair: Brown, Black, Blonde

Common Skin Tone: Tanned, Pale

Real Life Comparison: Portuguese, Spanish, French, Romanian

Common Languages Spoken: Valois, Common

Summary: Valois are known for having a set structure in social classes, where monarchs rest at the top, followed by knights, artisans, peasants, and slaves. Their culture tends to be surrounded much with religion, broken down into simple facets: The Lord, the Lady, and the Wayman- with the female deity tending to take charge of the pantheon, equivalent to Ombra and Arvora. Unholy matters are very crucial to be dealt with, usually by the means of conflict. Noble Houses are also of great importance to the Valois, with dowries occuring in marriage and surnames being passed down to the wife.


Common Height: Male: 6'1" - 6'7" Female: 5'5" - 6'1" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Blue, Green, Brown, Black, Gold, Grey, Hazel Common Hair: Brown, Blonde, Black, Ginger Common Skin Tone: Full Human Spectrum, Mainly Peachy Real Life Comparison: Roman, Greek Common Languages Spoken: Aestatian, Common Summary: The Aestatian people pride themselves mainly on law and order, and thusly their pantheon mostly reflects this, their clergy showing favoritism to the gods Veltes and Vassas. With males being the dominant sex, boys are tutored by their fathers or other male figures and girls their mother or grandmother to learn how to manage a household. Traditionally, able-bodied men perform five years of military service, which can help their future in government positions- strongly being militaristic.


Common Height: Male: 5'9" - 6'6" Female: 5'6" - 6'2" Common Build: Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Pale Blue, Amber, Green, Grey Common Hair: Brown, Blonde, White, Platinum, Ginger Common Skin Tone: Pale with a Pink Tint, Pale White Real Life Comparison: Old Norse, Slavic, Scandinavian Common Languages Spoken: Avaltan, Common Summary: Avaltans are largely tribal people, occupying the North and are considered nomadic. Unlike many other races they find the gods weak, instead their Jarls seen as lesser demi-gods of the sort- following a moral code through elders and chiefs instead of the pantheon. They follow many unique tribal traditions, such as a right-of-passage when children come of age, with little divide between genders associated with jobs. Tribal Avaltans consider their brethren which have traveled South ‘Weak Kneed’, whom have instead sustained themselves by living in towns or farms.


Common Height: Male: 5'3" - 5'9" Female: 5'1" - 5'6" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Black, Brown, Green, Gold, Red, Lavender Common Hair: Black, Brown, White, Red Common Skin Tone: Pale, Yellowed, Tan Real Life Comparison: Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian Common Languages Spoken: Hanese, Common Summary: The Hanese are a spiritual people, being from the Far Eastern continent of Honji. Worshipping their Empress as divine in status, the Hanese live a relatively peaceful life, steeped and tradition and low on crime. The Hanese are best known for their work in the arts, their ancient knowledge and texts and their conflicts with the West.


Common Height: Male: 5'2" - 5'8" Female: 4'9" - 5'6 Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph Common Eyes: Brown, Amber, Black, Orange Common Hair: Dark Red, Black, Brown Common Skin Tone: Caramel, Dark Brown Real Life Comparison: Egyptian, Gypsies, Northern African Common Languages Spoken: Common Summary: The Yusati are largely involved in mercantile businesses and travel, mainly presiding in the Desert. They establish centers of trade within markets and populated towns and villages, collecting and presenting wide varieties of goods. Usually involved in a patriarchal system, Yusati men strongly rule over their trade bands and towns. They are known to have a staunch set of beliefs mainly based around Venti, Oklamat, and occasionally Sol.


Common Height: Male: 5'5" - 5'9" Female: 5'2" - 5'6" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph Common Eyes: Brown, Gray Common Hair: Brown, Black Common Skin Tone: Caramel, Brown Real Life Comparison: Aztec, Mayan, Incan, Native American Common Languages Spoken: Tocoatl, Common Summary: The Tocoatl are an exotic race of man, found mostly on the Southern Island continent of Belinard. The Tocoatl are perhaps one of the more variable cultures, each varying from island to island in their traditions and unique characteristics. Most hold a strict adherence to preserving nature and are named after the snake which consumes the sun, Coatl.


Common Height: Male: 5'7" - 5'11" Female: 5'4"- 5'8" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Blue, Green, Brown, Black, Gold, Grey, Hazel Common Hair: Brown, Blonde, Black, Ginger Common Skin Tone: Full Human Spectrum, Mainly Peachy Real Life Comparison: Holy Roman Empire, German Common Languages Spoken: Heilig, Common Summary: The Hestark are a proud people, only being named as such within recent times. Their Konig or King, Conrad von Einar recently reclaimed Bannesiel from the profane forces. These people value family, strength, and order above all. For religion they pray most commonly to the deities of Sol and Veltes who helps maintain their pure and strong characteristics.


High Elves

Common Heights: Male: 5'10" - 6'5" Female: 5'8" - 6'3" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph Common Eyes: Hazel, Grey, Brown, Blue, Green Common Hair: Brown, White, Blonde, Black, Auburn Common Skin: Pale Peachy Skin Real Life Comparison: Gaelic Common Languages Spoken: Elven, Common Summary: Considered to be of the Noble Elven class, High Elves have been greatly integrated into human society, celebrating the same Aversian traditions and holidays. Usually living in whatever lands they are born in, due to their long life span High Elves they can find themselves gaining power and authority. Most of the time they do not have a set worship, taking after whatever faith their parents had. However, Vikret and Vassas may be the most prominent ones within certain sects of Elven society

Dark Elves

Common Heights: Male: 5'7" - 6' Female: 5'5" - 5'10" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph Common Eyes: Purple, Pink, Red, Porcelain Common Hair: White, Black, Grey Common Skin: Varying Shades of Grey, Purple-Grey Real Life Comparison: Elder Scrolls Dunmer, Dungeons and Dragons Drow Common Languages Spoken: Elven, Common Summary: Dark Elves notably live within natural or hand carved caves, thriving in underground cities traditionally. They have a very set social structure, with hunters being the highest caste, followed by tradesmen and farmers- who are the poorest and most unappreciated. Those on the surface are considered to be exiled from these protected underground cities. Dark Elves most commonly pay patronage to the gods Domm, Ombra, and Belek, who fit their ideals of tradition  

Forest Elves

Common Height: Male: 5'10" - 6'2" Female: 5'9" - 6' Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph Common Eyes: Green, Brown, Hazel Common Hair: Brown, Black, Green, Red Common Skin Tone: Tanned Real Life Comparison: Gaelic, Tolkien Wood Elves Common Languages Spoken: Elven, Lahn, Common Summary: Forest Elves are known to be somewhat distant from societal boons, being more loosely organized and primitive. Ignoring the process of farming, they are highly nomadic in singular tribes which roam the breadth of a single forest. They most often worship Arvora, who not only promotes their hunt but for the cycle of life. In this way, it is not uncommon for Morto's worship to be found alongside the worship of the goddess of life  

Snow Elves

Common Height: Male: 5'6" - 6' Female: 5'4" - 5'11" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Blue, Green Common Hair: White, Blue, Platinum Blonde, Blonde, Uncommonly Brown or Black Common Skin Tone: Pale with Pink Tint, Pale with Blue Tint Real Life Comparison: Inuit Common Languages Spoken: Elven, Common Summary: The Snow Elves are primarily hunters of the North, living within tribes that include many set traditions- some rather harsh compared to other Elvenkind. Though some tribal Snow Elves are still prevalent and follow these structures, some have been split off and found to be living in the midlands and in villages or even cities, thence considered to be of the Noble Elven class. Snow Elves have a different way of showing their pious side, fearing gods but thanking them when they show mercy. They show the most fear and thanks to Morto, Venti, Bahari and Oklamat for the fears of death, harsh weathers and unlucky hunts



Common Height: Male: 4'4" - 4'8" Female: 4'1" - 4'6" Common Build: Endomorph Common Eyes: Blues and Browns Common Hair: Dark Blonde, Brown, Black, Ginger Common Skin Tone: Tanned and Darker Skinned Real Life Comparison: Scottish, Old Norse Common Languages Spoken: Dwarven, Common Summary: The Dwarves are considered Domm’s children, their usual capitalistic society focused around manufacturing and construction and often classified as miners because of this. Many ruins of the Dwarven have been found in the past, bearing their vast history which occasionally holds advanced craftsmanship work. Nearly all of the Dwarves, of course, worship Domm. Those that tend to follow either Belek or Foli tend to be looked down by Dwarven society.


Half Elves

Common Heights: Male: Average Height Between Mother and Father, Leaning More Towards Father. Female: Average Height Between Mother and Father, Leaning More Towards Mother. Common Build: A Blending of Both Parents. It Is Likely For Them To Be More Stocky Than Normal Elves, and Thinner Than Normal Humans. Common Eyes: Determined by Lineage. May be Either Elven or Human. Common Hair: Determined by Lineage. May be Either Elven or Human. Common Skin: Determined by Lineage, Though Commonly Leans More Human. Real Life Comparison: N/A Common Languages Spoken: Elven, Valois, Aestatian, Heilig, Avaltan, Hanese, Common Summary: Half Elves live amidst either Elven or Human societies, sometimes shunned for their birth due to interbreeding. Their culture varies largely considering their parents likely shared differing life-styles. Half Elves can live in caves, huts, or normal housing, but unless they are outcasted, they are rarely grouped together as themselves. Depending on their parental sub-race they may choose to worship nigh any god.

Half Orcs

Common Height: Male: 6'1" - 8' Female: 5'8" - 7'4" Common Build: Half-Orcs tend to have a blend of builds between each parent. They tend to be stockier than humans on average and thinner than orcs. Common Eyes: Determined by lineage, may be orcish or other human/elvish. Common Hair: Determined by lineage, may be orcish or other human/elvish. Common Skin Tone: Mottled or non-mottled versions of the following: Yellow-green, Reddish-Tan, Gray, Brown, Green, Light Orange. Real Life Comparison: N/A Common Languages Spoken: Orcish, Common, Elven, Valois, Aestatian, Heilig, Avaltan, Hanese. Summary: Some people consider a Half Orc’s birth has been caused by committing sins in their past life at Arvora’s whim. Usually they live in isolationist communities, where active faith practices are rare. Or, instead, they try their best to blend in with society, tending to situate in middle-class standards or in poverty due to racial stigma against them.

Half Mer

Common Height: Male: 5'1" - 5'9" Female: 4'11" - 5'6" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Aquamarine, Sea Green, Blue Common Hair: White, Blue, Platinum Blonde Common Skin Tone: Pale, Tanned Real Life Comparison: Phoenician, Greek Common Languages Spoken: Elven, Common Summary: Half Mer can usually be found on the islands of Belinard or along mediterranean climates. Their culture can be a blended mix of both parents, though tend to have a stronger association to the sea, sometimes preferring to live on their ship than in a permanent settlement. Some of the sailors pray to Venti for good winds, and for Bahari to give them a lack of harsh waters.



Common Height: Male: 5'5" - 6'0" Female: 5'2"- 5'10" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Yellow, Red, Lilac, Brown, Black, Light Blue Common Hair: Black, Brown, White, Red Common Skin Tone: Terracotta, Red, Purple/Blue Real Life Comparison: Tibetan, Bhutanese, Indian Common Languages Spoken: Kovish, Common Summary: The Danakov tend to find more of a spiritual connection to their dragon predecessors instead of taking interest in the pantheon. Having a split in their culture, some Danakov take after more tribal ways of life, ranging nomadically across the wilderness and said to have closer connections to dragons. Others have instead integrated into human society, where their connection to the land is much more loose. Danakov are split roughly into three kinds, the northern, jungle, and desert. Each of these Danakov is apart of a different dragon's brood.


Common Height: Male: 5'8" - 6'4" Female: 5'6" - 6'2" Common Build: Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Browns, Silvers, Golds, Olives, Blues Common Fur: Golden, Brown, White, Black, Mahogany Real Life Comparison: Zulu, Polynesian, South African Common Languages Spoken: Sumili, Common Summary: The Leonin are a proud race of more warm climates. Holding tribal traditions, the Leonin are a race mostly devoted to the Sun God, Sol. There are those who are born out of place, resulting in something more lean and smaller, said to be cursed by Ombra.


Common Height: Male: 5'5" - 5'11" Female: 5'3" - 5'9" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Green, Gold, Brown, Blue, Black Common Hair/Fur: Brown, White, Black, Grey Common Skin Tone: Brown, White, Tanned Real Life Comparison: Greek Myth Common Languages Spoken: Elven, Lahn, Common Summary: Satyr’s have been known for their party and greed during their existence. Though really this is due to their pilgrimage in the name of their most often worshipped god Oklamat, having a strong emphasis on luck and fortune. Though usually coinciding with Forest Elves, they accept many other races most of the time, respecting their own customs and traditions.


Common Height: Male: 5'8"- 6'2" Female: 5'2" - 6' Common Wingspan: Male: 7'8" - 9'2" Female: 7'6" - 9' Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph Common Eyes: Black, Browns, and Blues Common Feathers: Black, Browns, Grays, White, Russet, Golden Real Life Comparison: Tibetan Common Languages Spoken: Aervani, Common Summary: The Aervan peoples are an extremely scholarly race, having an obsession with writing and recording information within their close society. Their settlements mainly include monasteries within the mountains, though some have managed to find their way into accepting modern cultures. Their worship usually includes Venti, a god which creates the wind for them to soar on.


Common Height: Male: 4’0’” - 4’10” Female: 3’6” - 4’4” Common Build: Ectomorph, Endomorph. Common Eyes: Black, Brown, Gold, Red Common Fur: Black, Gray, Brown, Rarely White Common Skin Tone: Tan, Rarely Gray Real Life Comparison: Skaven warhammer Common Languages Spoken: Common Summary: The Skrayln are descended from ordinary rats and a mad alchemist who enjoyed tampering with the natural order of life. They were interbred with one another and given more and more human-like characteristics with each dosage attempting to make them human. Eventually most escaped their captors and now room the world in small caves and other hiddy holes.


Common Height: Male: 4’5” - 5'0” Female: 4'7” - 5'3” Letith: 5'9" - 6'2" Common Build: Ectomorph, Endomorph. Common Eyes: Black, Brown, Gold, Red, Purple, Pink. Common Exoskeleton Color: Browns, Beige, Dull Orange, Yellow, Peach, rarely white or varieties of gray. Common Bug Types: Praying Mantis', Ants, Beetles, Cricket's, Cicadas, Moth's, Butterfly's, Ladybug's, Dragonfly's, Bee's, Wasps, etc to other insects. Real Life Comparison: Bee colonies. Common Languages Spoken: Vilish , Common Summary: Vilo’tae are at first glance insectile humans, varying widely in terms of what insect they resemble based on which colony they are from. They colonies are ran by the Lelith of their tribe being seen as queens. They are the only ones that can give birth to children with other Vilo'tae at which point they will loose their wings.



Common Height: Male: 8' - 9'4" Female: 7'4" - 8'11" Common Build: Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Yellow, Red, Brown, Black, Green Common Hair: Black, Brown, White, Grey Common Skin Tone: Green, Terracotta, Light Red, Grey, Brown Real Life Comparison: Mongolian, Magic the Gathering Orcs, Elder Scrolls Orsimer, World of Warcraft Orcs Common Languages Spoken: Orcish, Common Summary: Tribal Orcish settlements are commonly nomadic, the Orcs controlled by their hierarchy and leader of a chieftain. Tribes include unique cultural traditions, known to be effectively functioning clans. Though the race has proved to be widespread and diverse in these regards. Much of the culture is based on local customs, though some Orcs have broken from these customs, and are no longer considered an Orc by the tribes. Sterk unsurprisingly happens to be their most common worship in the pantheon.


Common Height: Male: 4'2" - 4'11" Female: 3'11" - 4'9" Common Build: Ectomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Brown, Green, Red, Black, Yellow Common Hair: Black, Brown, Grey, White Common Skin Tone: Green, Terracotta, White Real Life Comparison: Magic the Gathering Goblins Common Languages Spoken: Orcish, Common Summary: Goblins have been told to be the rejects of Sterk, unlike their Orc counterpart. Some cling onto Sterk worship, though their habit to live in underground environments directs them instead to Domm. Unlike Orcs which have a more centralized culture, Goblins rather vary in their traditions from group to group.



Common Height: Legged: 4'6" - 5'7" Tailed: 6'2" - 8'3" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph Common Eyes: Green, Blue, Brown, Black, Violet, Red, Yellow Common Hair: Black, Blonde, Brown, Red, White Common Skin Tone: Pale, Tanned Real Life Comparison: Greek Myth, Greece Common Languages Spoken: Aquatic, Common Summary: The Syrien kind mainly establish a central hub within the ocean, with their kingdom being led by a matriarch. They often settle in coves so they may establish a safe home underwater, though there are some who rather live on the surface instead, where integration in human society doesn’t tend to be difficult. The god they mainly worship is Bahari, seeing her as a protective mother figure.


Common Height: Legged: 4'4" - 5'2" Tailed: 7'9" - 10'10" Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph Common Eyes: Indigo, Black, Brown, Grey Common Hair: Black, Brown, White Common Skin Tone: Ashy, Pale Real Life Comparison: Greek Myth, Greece Common Languages Spoken: Aquatic, Common Summary: Syva-Syrien are very similar to their Syrien cousins. Not only are they physically larger underwater, but are considered to be more savage or tribal compared to Syrien. While they share many similar ceremonial traditions with Syriens, they tend to be more distant and lonesome- having more difficulty if they were to adjust to human culture, and rarely establish settlements. Similarly they worship Bahari.



Common Height: 4'1" - 6'0 Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph Common Eyes: Brown, Amber, Green, Blue, Black. Common Regions: Forest: Lush greens and browns, akin to trees, bark skin patches. Plains: Petals for hair, paler greens, Resembles flowers. Caves: Mushroom kin, Brown or red, toadstool hats. Swamps: Lilypad or Vine like, Long hair, darker greens colors. Sea: Algae or Seaweed, Webbed hands and feet, cyan colors. Desert: Rough skin, weakness to cold climates. Yellow colors. Snow: Survive in the cold, blue/paler green skin. Weakness in heat. Real Life Comparison: Living Flora Common Languages Spoken: Lahn, Common Summary: The Sinnehliv are a plant based race, and are therefore very caring to nature which they are specially connected to. Generally being very passive because of this, condemning the act of harming other beings. Holding onto the belief they were created by Vikret, they often worship her or the god of life, Arvora.


Common Height: 5'0" - 6’0” Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph Common Eyes: Green, Red, Amber, Brown Common Hair: Variable, Usually Colors Found in the Forests Common Skin Tones: Pale, Beige, Tanned, Caramel Real Life Comparison: Celtic, Druids Common Languages Spoken: Lahn, Common Summary: Dryads are the fauna cousins to the Sinnehliv. Instead of having skin like leavess they are the descedants of the humans that protected the forest many years ago. Arvora blessed them with the features of the fauna she had created giving the humans the ears, tails and small claws.


Common Height: Male: 7’2” - 10’7” Female: 6’5” - 9’3” Common Build: Mesomorph, Ectomorph Common Eyes: Blue, Green, Black Common Hair: Black, Brown Common Skin Tone: Full Human Spectrum Common Furs: Chestnut, Buckskin, Black, Grey Real Life Comparison: Greek Myth, Common Languages Spoken: Lahn, Common Summary: Centaurs have the upperbody of a human and the lower body of an equestrian. Cousins to the spriggan and leshen, centaurs were formed to act as guardians to the historical clash between the two. The centaurs are the guardians of the forests and attuned with Aisha’s element, the vaya of Order and life.



As written above, the many races have different languages which are often spoken by them. With Common being the main language, each race usually has their own specific dialect. The listed languages that are common are often not all known by one person, but are rather the more likely of what they could know, depending on origin, etc.

Click here to go to the Language forms.

Divinity - Gods:

Though not all people may choose for their character to be affiliated in a religion, a lot of it has to do with which personality would fit with which deity. People may find this fleshes out their character more, or at least gets a foundation set for how they may act in the world around them. Divinity is very free to interpretation of both the player and character, depending on what they believe would suit best.

Click here to go to the Divine forums.

The Calendar

This basic system helps players understand how OOC time translates into IC time, and sets up an easy method to establish IC dates which can come in handy during roleplay. However, be aware that the transition between day and night does not always have to be roleplayed, due to day and night only being one hour each and a single roleplay scene can last much longer than that.

Click here to go to the Calendar.

Basic Commands on the Server


Chat Channels

As said before, there are many languages which are able to be spoken by different races. Fortunately, all languages have been implemented into the chat system for players to be able to switch to. By viewing the language lore in order to see all of the options, simply type in the command:

/ch (insert name of language)


Common is slightly different, though is usually the main chat which is roleplayed on. You can switch to it by typing:

/ch rp


Chats which reach a shorter distance are:

/ch rpi - The ‘I’ stands for Indoors.

/ch w - The ‘W’ stands for Whisper.


When roleplaying in the shorter distance chats, players are able to indicate which language they would be speaking by writing the first initial(s) of the language’s name.

For example, Va: “Hello.”, which would stand for someone speaking in Valois.



What would be found after soon entering the Aethier server is the ability to have different titles which display to the left of a character’s name. You can set your title using the command:

/char title (title)



Ports are essential if you would like to explore the map of Aversia and to meet other online players to roleplay with. Ports warp you immediately to different towns or cities across the map. They can be either ships lined along docks or small carriages near different areas- usually located right outside of city walls. Signs are marked on or near a port to say which carriage/ship leads to what place.

A very important thing to have up when travelling is the dynmap. This can be accessed at the top of the forums which can be found in the row to the left of your forum name. This can especially help to see where roleplaying hubs are located.

Click here if you would like to take a look at the dynmap.

Systems of the Forums



When first starting out on the server, you may notice the currency of Arunes, which is both the OOC and IC currency everyone uses. The easiest way to get more arunes is by voting for the Aethier server. The voting tab can be accessed at the top bar of the forums to the left of your name. It is under the Contribute option.


Once the sites have been voted on, Voting Crate Keys will also appear in your inventory. These can be used on the voting crates which are located at spawn- voting crates supply players with IC items, which can prove to add flavor in roleplay or even be helpful to a character. Patron Keys can be obtained from a normal voting crate or can be bought via forums. Patron crates can give a player more rare items that can be used ICly.


Profession System:

The profession system serves as a very helpful starter point for players who do not yet know what sort of job their character will take part in. Not only can it give the sense of purpose when playing a character, but also be a source of income when items are made and sold- or be kept personally, of course. Businesses and other opportunities can sprout if enough work is put forth towards a profession or professions.

Click here to read about Professions.

Custom/Material Item System:

The Custom and Material item systems tie into the Professions system. By creating items, it can build up a character’s experience at a profession as they age. Though usually every custom item must be made from something else already gathered. This refers to the Material gathering system, where a short roleplay is needed about how the character happened to obtain a resource which has been written in lore. Here it is important to delve into the geography lore of Aethier in order to know how and where to get certain materials. These collected materials are then able to be used for a Custom Item, where creation roleplay must be written in order to obtain the item in which you planned to make.

Click here to read about the Custom Items: Applications, Information, and Rules.

Click here to read about the Material Gathering System.

Current Roleplay Groups/Factions/Regions

Below are descriptions of most of the different regions and factions currently present on Aethier. Click on the spoilers to see a summary of each of the different regions! Everything is in alphabetical order based on the region name you will see on the Dynmap in order to make it easier for players to identify which groups are located where. All regions are player created and owned, so your character can feel free to seek out the different groups in roleplay if you are interested in joining an open group!

Glasgard {The Skjoldfolk Clan}

Region Name: Glasgard

Faction: The Skjoldfolk Clan

Description: The Skjoldr are a people who have split mostly from a couple of other Kingdoms to go forge their own lives free of the reign of impetuous nobles or the tyranny of far away lands. The Skjoldr pride themselves on acting as a family in some ways, being incredibly neighborly to one another and working together to achieve common goals. This does not mean that they do not have their rough edges however. Many other places might see the Skjoldr as backwater or savage due to their more grounded practices with respecting the environment and preserving what is there. The Skjoldr are also known to be made of a raider people who aim to achieve wealth through their summer raids by taking it from those who are weaker than less deserving than them. Glasgard is a city found towards the northern end of Ardemor and serves as a major trade port for the region.

Common Character Types:

Races: Avaltan Human Half Elf Snow Elf High Elf Hestark Human Forest Elf Dryad Sinnehliv Dwarves Common Traits:

Lycanthropy Shamanism Accepting New Players?: All the time!

Can new player characters leave the faction freely IC if they do not feel it is a good fit for their character?: Of course. The Skjoldfolk faction is a place where freedom of decision is a value that is seen as deeply important.

Gravemont {The Duchy of Gravemont/The Black Sun Company}

Region Name: Gravemont

Faction: The Duchy of Gravemont / The Black Sun Company

Description: Nestled upon a lake within a valley in southern Adelona, the Duchy of Gravemont is a nation made up of men who found themselves disappointed by the societal boundaries that deemed what was respectable or moral. These men now serve their own ambitions and goals within the Duchy of Gravemont and usually find themselves within the Black Sun Company where they are paid reasonably and given the support of their peers. Should one run afoul of the judgement and moral guidelines that they find themselves surrounded by let it be known that the Duchy of Gravemont welcome them with open arms and full pockets.

Common Character Types: Mercenaries, Morally Gray Individuals, Characters who put their own goals above societal norms for what is respectable. We have no qualms with what race your character is or moral alignment as our main concern is finding and making mercenary work for our player base along with helping eachother reach whatever goals or aspirations they have set. Mercenary work that benefits the faction and our playerbase is paid handsomely.

Accepting New Players?: Yes

Can new player characters leave the faction freely IC if they do not feel it is a good fit for their character?: Yes as long as they do not intentionally cause problems on their way out.

Helsind {The Merchant State of Helsind}

Region Name: Helsind

Faction: The Merchant State of Helsind

Description: Situated upon the coast of the western continent of Arkolos, a merchant state founded by a triumvirate with the goal of providing a safe haven for merchants to produce, store, and sell their wares from. The Triumvirate: Vasile Aridea, their sister Rhaviana Aridea and acquaintance Mircea, ensures that The Merchant State of Helsind serves as a beacon of Economic Prosperity and Trade for the west, as well as all of Aversia.

The Merchant Guild of Helsind is the economic center of the country, devoted to the act of free trade unchained by the burdens of personal feelings and grudges, as well as the furtherment of Helsind and the Guild while maintaining complete anonymity behind a mask.

Common Character Types:

Welcomes Races of all shapes and sizes, though a background in mercantilism or artisanry is a must when it comes to being a functioning member of Helsinian society. If one is capable of providing for the betterment of the nation and the welfare of its people, then they are welcome in Helsind.

Accepting New Players?: Yes.

Can new player characters leave the faction freely IC if they do not feel it is a good fit for their character?: Yes.

The Kingdom of Holmsgard {Holmsgard}

Region Name: Kingdom of Holmsgard

Faction: Holmsgard

Description: An industrious surface world that is settled near the savanna plains and mountains. The great city is around a large lake that leads to a great river down south, fueling the lands with water to grow valuable grain and crops. Under the surface of the Holy Kingdom lies a a massive underground complex which is home to the Dawi, the survivors of the Karaz Ankor dwarves that had allied with King Maddoc in an agreement to establish a holy nation under Domm's ideals. With the addition of dark elven communities scattered within the mixed city, massive machines and steel forges work continuously in the earth.


It's common to see golems of various sizes roam the streets and dockyards of Holmsgard, working freight loads and cleaning the streets of debris. However, some of them stand guard towards the entrances of military operated buildings such as the Dawi Fortress and Maddoc's castle Varraine, few have tried to take down a guarding golem, and no one has succeeded.


Common Character Types: Domm worshipers, any crafting profession, mages of the golem discipline, humans, dark elves, dwarves. Vallah, lycanthropes, and war-like beast races are looked down upon, but are currently still allowed access.

Accepting New Players?: Yes.

Can new player characters leave the faction freely IC if they do not feel it is a good fit for their character?: Yes, the realm is friendly to visitors and temporary workers.

Ilysari {Kingdom of Ilysari}

Region Name: Ilysari

Faction: Kingdom of Ilysari


Description: The Kingdom of Ilysari is a new and blossoming kingdom, settled currently by a sole capital city. They reside beneath the ground and tunnels thereof, setting stone houses supported by dark oak collected and transported into the cavern. It is a sanctuary for those who find themselves wanting to be away from the general debauchery of the world and instead flourish in a more sophisticated and noble city. The island, Duken, is almost paradise like with lush greenery and expansive beaches with a small, humble docks on its northern most beach, its port open to most if not all who wish to trade or stay awhile. It was made to be a safe haven, and despite its firm rule and laws, it most certainly is one. It accepts most if not all sorts of people, with the occasional exception, with little judgement and open arms.


Common Character Types: The common race seen in Ilysari is humans and dark elves, a small portion being Vallah. The Vallah, being so few in number, are generally nobility or royalty within the kingdom. Greenskins are mostly looked down upon, however, they are free to enter as any other, but have different rights and privileges in the kingdom if they were to break a law or cause disruption in the kingdom. It also has a good amount of fishers, soldiers, miners, and artisans. Smiths are also prevalent due to the flow of materials and precious stones.


Accepting New Players?: Absolutely.

Can new player characters leave the faction freely IC if they do not feel it is a good fit for their character?: Depends on IC circumstance, but it is most likely a yes.

Ora'vea {Order of Slakter}

Region Name: Ora'vea

Faction: Order of Slakter


A town made to house the Order of Slakter. The streets are filled with oddball guards of differing armors. The town itself is passive to all other nations, paying no mind to the politics of the world. It takes pride in being an independent party, but will be one to help a city in need. This mountainous town is home to the Mal'arn family, whom run it without need for titles. Artistic in the ways of the people, they value the importance of commerce and trade. A welcoming people, who's Order's only goal is simple. Hunt the monsters of the world, any that threaten the peace of the people. Common Character Types:

All Races Welcome All Magic Aurums Welcome Curses are treated case by case, depending on the risks and dangers Accepting New Players?: Yes

Can new player characters leave the faction freely IC if they do not feel it is a good fit for their character?: Yes

Yamashiro {The Zheng Shogunate}

Region Name: Yamashiro

Faction: The Zheng Shogunate

Description: The Shogunate, born of the unification of the ancient hanese exile clans of Aversia following the fourth cataclysm, is a cultural union of all eastern dynasties and culture unto a new world, expansive and mighty. Led by the Zheng and their mighty army, this militarist, religious and deeply spiritual culture settles and digs it's heels in the Southeast of the new Aversia, led from the tall citadel city of Yamashiro. The Shogunate by-and-large rejects the worship of the Gods and their Pantheon, as well as builds a new religion based on the veneration of the Old Spirit Gods (The Vaya, the elements and the Demons). In the Shogunate, many Clans, lineages and secret organisation vie to expand their influences and further the benefits of the Great Nation. As a player, one would have many paths to select from, and meaningful roleplay and progression down the line in whichever path they choose to pursue.


Our faction is suited for roleplayers interested in trying their hand at Sengoku-era Japanese roleplay, Korean roleplay, Chinese roleplay, as well as demonic, shamanistic and piratry-related roleplay. We intend to provide such possibilities, alongside simple casual east asian roleplay and chances for more mundane characters to flourish as well. We provide skins, character art and housing from our skilled artists and architects, character inspirations and an expanding, rich lore found in our forum section, alongside our military and political updates.

Common Character Types: Racially, the Shogunate only scorns away Goblins and most Skraylin, as they are both seen as little more then pests.

Culturally and ethnically, the Zheng Dynasty's Shogunate includes outcasts, exiles and culturally-assimilated members of nearly every human and elven races, and welcomes any who are ready to speak Hanese, adopt Zhengshii culture and work together in achieving the Zheng great ordeal.

Common character types include;

- Honorbound Samurai

- Monks and eastern priests

- Oriental traders and industrialists

- Pirates, buccaneers and entrepreneurial sailors

- Nobility and peasantry of Honji cultures alike

- Steppe horsemen and shamanistic types

- Diplomats, spies and roguish style characters

- And many more, as the Shogunate grows and expands it's horizons!

Accepting New Players?: Yes, quite definitely. The Shogunate includes characters of oriental culture of most races and of neutral, evil or some good alignments, with the specific exclusion of goblins. If you have an idea in mind, do not hesitate to send Discord pms to either Arcturio#3587 or Olyblob#9222

Can new player characters leave the faction freely IC if they do not feel it is a good fit for their character?:

Yes, barring if they do so dishonorably ICly/cause controversy ICly. However, we are an understanding large group OOCly; do not hesitate to speak to Arcturio#3587 one on one on Discord if any issues arise!