Petrified Rosebundle

From Aethier
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Rose Bush




Nestled atop the peaks of mountains, packed together like brambles is the Rugged Rosebundle. Here, guarded by the skies itself, the thin bushels will cluster in connected bushes. Their colors are unique, as they hold no vibrancy, no alluring romanticism. The ends of their compact rose like flowers are a smoked black, whilst their very cores are a pale and unattractive white. The way the Petrified Rosebundle grows may be thought of as a bush, for the closest comparison, yet, they will only grow in a method reminiscent of a bouquet. These semi-spheres of roses show none of their stems or stalks beneath. As all is obscured behind their plain roses.

Watching amongst the strong winds in the high peaks, the petals of the Rugged Rosebundle will not flutter. Giving into the demands of the wind. Rather, they will remain stalwart - as if petrified themselves. Upon closer inspection, the petals of the Petrified Rosebundle are completely stiff, and hard. Closest in texture and likeness to stone itself, if it were laid out in sheets thin enough to crack with one’s own fingers.

In actuality, what lies beneath the heavy and stone-like flowers of the Petrified Rosebundle is a white orb, which carries a milky fluid. Such holds a faint, pale luminescence that is strange to the eye. With the stone like roses weighing the Petrified Rosebundle down, their rooting into the earth seems frail - shriveled up, and appearing as if they were burnt. They hold no true rooting into the group, and may be easily torn away. That is, if one were to be able to pick up the heavy bundle as a whole. The true difficulty dealing with the Petrified Rosebundle, if any were interested in the milk of the orb shielded underneath, is the fact that they would have to free one Petrified Rosebundle from the rest of the often overlapping bramble. Many have tried to circumvent this problem by breaking through the stone flowers forcefully, which always results in the rapid death of the flower, and the loss of the orb’s luminescence underneath. The fluid from the orb must be drawn whilst the flower is still alive, or else the fluid will lose its luminescence and all alchemical properties.


The stone flowers of Petrified Rosebundle will grow in places of high altitude, such as mountainous peaks, or the high towers of select castles. They are considered rare.


The Petrified Rosebundle’s lifecycle is simple, as a living orb of the flower must be placed into the soil. Over the course of [1OOC month] a sphere of its stone flowers would have grown in about a 3in radius around the center - taking up all available space.

Material Properties

  • None

Alchemical Properties

  • The luminescent and milky fluid of the Petrified Rosebush may be taken, and blended with the natural banes of the Dragon types in order to formulate a poison. This poison will target the Dragon’s immense magical energies, and send their aurums into a shocked state. Crippling them for a short period of time.
  • In greatly diluted portions, this alchemical may be used to starve and shock the Dragon’s Sickness parasite in humanoids. Curing and rending the individual of the disease.

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