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Harbingers of the First Cycle


Once a noble race of gatekeepers and pseudo-divine beings who defended the planes of creation from the ever-advancing scourge of the void, the Wrathguard were once saviors to the countless planes they defended. Over the course of many millennia however, their purpose became less and less focused. The void returned each time it was repelled, and each time it became stronger than the last. Nonetheless, they defended until their last breath, and each time they were successful, albeit temporarily. Eventually, the people whom they protected grew greedy and selfish, demanding much of them for nothing in return, despite the fact that their very lives were saved from a fate worse than death each and every sept. But everything truly changed when the mortals of the realm killed one of the Wrathguard in cold blood, because it refused to grant them their wishes.

Eventually, the Wrathguard turned on the people they once defended, ushering in the first Cycle of the universe, and the age of Darkness. Though eventually another Immortal race would eventually take up the torch, the now corrupted race of noble beings serve as the final, hopeless end to countless cycles which have followed suit.


Wrathguard are not naturally born creatures, and only enter the world during a tear within the Veil near the realm of absence. They are known to be sapient, and as such can live anywhere at anytime, regardless of mental state.

Physical Description

Wrathguard are beings made of pure stone and corrupted metals, whose bodies stand tall at over 50m in height, and are capable of destroying entire villages with one landing of their fist upon the earth. Kept together only by the malfeasance of magic that the void energies within their body creates, the arms, legs, torso and head are all connected through magical tethers instead of physical limbs. Their "Skin" is made of the hardest known stone to exist, and they carry a massive magical resistance which prevents anything but the strongest of spells from penetrating their thick structure. Classified as one of the most dangerous voidlings, even some of the strongest warriors in the realm will have difficulty taking them down.


An ancient, hellish tongue of the void, the creatures of naught such as the Wrathguard speak the Aberrant tongue, an unholy machination of words reversed from all languages currently known to exist in the multiverse. As such, they can comprehend anything that comes from a mortals word of mouth.


Wrathguard tend to exhibit extremely aggressive behavior, and as such any type of diplomacy is mostly impossible. Mortalkind is not seen as redeemable in their eyes, no matter what they say.


  • Wrathguard stand at a mighty 50m in height, and most of their bodyparts are connected only with a tether of corrupted energy, making them conventionally inseparable.
  • The carapace around the beasts core is made from pure, corrupted stone infused with root of the mountain, and is impossible to destroy without extremely powerful conventional weaponry.
  • Wrathguard carry an Aura of dread to non-sapient creatures, causing them to often turn away or simply run in fear. Even trained animals have difficulty resisting this. [Trained Animals must roll a 1d20-2 and suceed a 13 to remain vigilant.]
  • Wrathguard posses the Innate ability to use Hellfire magic, a remnant of demonic energy that had been somehow stolen from Veltes domain many millennia ago.
  • Wrathguard, when "Killed", proceed to quite uneventfully fall apart, as their pieces lose the gravity that kept them in place and thus return to the grounds below.
  • Wrathguard traditionally are entirely immune to all forms of known magic.

Void Gargoyles

Bringers of the End Times


Only known to the most basic of rumor, Void Gargoyles are a myth that have been carried through many generations. So few real ones have been supposedly spotted in their lifetime that mostly legend is all that remains. Even rarer is their voidling, corrupted brethren, whom are often seen as omens of the end times or disaster when they are spotted. Most know these creatures by their statues built around the land, used to scare many commoners to obedience, or just for eerie effect.


Void Gargoyles are not naturally born creatures, and only enter the world during a tear within the Veil near the realm of absence. They are known to be sapient, and as such can live anywhere at anytime, regardless of mental state.

Physical Description

To those that have described them, they are known to be up to 2m in height in their slouching form, and nearly 6m tall in their total bipedal stance. This in turn makes them a terrifying prospect to even note on the field of battle. Their wingspan can elongate up to 3m across from it's form, and are able to be swung easily in any direction it so chooses. This in turn allows them to fly at high speeds in the air, nearly unmatched by other voidlings that exist. Their large wings can allow them to create shock-waves, and as such can sometimes displace items on the ground upon landing. Their skin always tends to be made of a smooth, soap-like stone that is as hard as metal.


An ancient, hellish tongue of the void, the creatures of naught such as the Gargoyles speak the Aberrant tongue, an unholy machination of words reversed from all languages currently known to exist in the multiverse. As such, they can comprehend anything that comes from a mortals word of mouth.


Void Gargoyles tend to act quite arrogantly, and do not regard danger as a true threat. Upon seeing mortals, they tend to incur an aire of hopelessness, refusing to budge even from the most mortal wounds upon their body. Generally unless provoked or ordered, they tend to avoid combat and act as advance scouts, but are far more hostile to anyone carrying, possessing or bearing the blessing or item thereof of any divine beings.


Statue Form:

  • Void Gargoyles in the Statue form are invincible to conventional damage.
  • In this state, Gargoyles regenerate extremely fast, only taking up to 4 emotes to fully heal themselves.
  • Gargoyles take 3 emotes to change form from statue to living.
  • While in this form, Divine traits within 10m are entirely disabled, minus cosmetics.

Living Form:

  • Void Gargoyles in this state are entirely Immune to magical and enchanted attacks, Divine included.
  • Void Gargoyles are unaffected by weapons that are not silver or gold conventionally, however blunt weapons are an exception.
  • Void Gargoyles carry the physical strength tier eight.
  • Upon the death of a Gargoyle, they crumble to naught but stone in a violent explosion, breaking bones and denting armor should people be caught in a 5m radius around it.
  • Void Gargoyles are capable of draining divine energy from their targets, and stealing their abilities to be used as their own. If a divine attacks a gargoyle directly with an ability, a shock of pain is sent into the user who casts it upon the creature, causing their divinity to be temporarily disabled for 24 [OOC] hours.


Scourge of the Skies


While now a far distant stretch of their Shike brethren, Rakavos are an extremely quick-breeding scourge of beasts who have no other intent but to hunt, eat, and grow. While they are often seen in great packs with their masters who have domesticated them, it isn't uncommon to spot feral Rakavos near tears in the veil close to the border of Absence. When this happens, they are known to infest these areas and terraform them to better suit their needs.


Rakavos first originated as a mutation of the Shike, before they were horribly corrupted and turned into pets by the voidlings who inhabit the infinite. This in turn means that these beasts can be located anywhere that their masters lie, but some feral Rakavos tend to inhabit and invade ecosystems, and are known for completely taking over and corrupting the surrounding landscape.

Physical Description

Rakavos are a devastating mutation from their previous bi-pedal form. Far larger then before, a fully grown Rakavos is more like a quadrupedal blood-hound with bat wings and sharper everything to boot. Their bodies emit a sickly green glow, as their bodies carry an acidic blood poisonous to everyone, and their grey, shredded fur acts as an insulator for all kinds of weather hazards.


Rakavos are not Sapient, but are capable of taking orders from their superiors in the Aberrant Tounge.


Rakavos are hostile to any who are not touched by the void, and are often seen obeying their voidling masters like trained animals when not out hunting for their next meal unless they are entirely Feral.


  • Rakavos carry fur that allows them to operate efficiently in any type of terrain, barring harsh winds that impede flight.
  • Rakavos carry the grip and strength to lift a normal armored man into the air with ease.
  • Rakavos claws are extremely sharp, and are often able to pierce plate, given enough momentum in their dive.
  • Rakavos are hostile to any who are not touched by the void, however it is not uncommon for them to be distracted by bait or other means of distraction from mortals.
  • Rakavos talons are etched with void poison, and any open wounds they create are tainted with a corruption that spreads throughout the body.

The Deprived

Despair's Vanguard


At the front of every mortal army lies a bannerman, a soldier who will most often willingly give it's life for the cause of battle. Behind him are grunts, countless in number who will die often nameless on a battlefield of more import than their very lives. Though they may pass on, the shell of their spirits remain with nowhere to go but the void. Drawing forth from the malevolent forces of the infinite, countless numbers of these creatures march, created by a fragment of every fallen soldier who had once graced the mortal planes. Now nothing but a slave to their sentient masters, these creatures are nothing if not brutish, and often deadly in combat.


Deprived tend to only march in large bands or raiding parties. Though they are not sentient, their rough bodies are built to withstand all climates, regardless of weather.

Physical Description

Ranging anywhere from six to seven feet in height, these beasts tend to carry swords, spears and pikes, similar to mortal military forces. On occasion, Deprived also use Arbalests and bows in their back lines as well, though most seem to prefer the standard melee line. They are often seen adorned in coats of plate, and some of the elite are often sealed from head to toe in an extremely powerful suit of armor, which only further enhances their strength on the battlefield.


An ancient, hellish tongue of the void, the creatures of naught such as the Deprived speak the Aberrant tongue, an unholy machination of words reversed from all languages currently known. As such, they can comprehend anything that comes from a mortals word of mouth.


The rank and file of the voidlings, Deprived tend to be extremely obedient, and are organized just as much as any professional army.


  • Deprived are generally stronger then most humanoid races, however can be beaten out by the more brutish denizens of Aversia, but it varies wildly from deprived to deprived.
  • Deprived's weapons carry a curse upon them, and slowly erode away at the life-force of a being should their weapons strike them. Wounds do not regenerate conventionally from their strikes.
  • Any open wounds they create are also tainted with a void poison that spreads throughout the body.


Cairns of the Fallen


Often seen in the backdrop of most of the void's invasions or facilities deep within their lines, Servitors are the spiritual "Guts" left behind in the process of creating a deprived which is crafted into a being of pure magical energies from hundreds of lost souls. Often looking like a tall humanoid silhouetted draped in black and red clothing, Servitors often stand around 4-5 ft in height, with its shape being merely a vessel of sorts which contains all of its energies. The shroud which covers the shadowy form of this beast are actually its primary form, which are six flat cloth-like tendrils that are black on the inside, yet lined with a gruesome bloody red sheen. Often serving as maintenance drones or even overseers to entire armies of deprived, there are very few sightings and even less known about these supremely magical beings which lead the void from the shadows. What little is known, however, is that they are capable of incredible feats of magic, as well as being capable of corrupting and turning animals and monsters into Exia-filled murderous beasts, alongside magical familiars and other beings.


Servitors are not naturally born creatures, and only enter the world during a tear within the Veil near the realm of absence. They are known to be sapient, and as such can live anywhere at anytime, regardless of mental state.

Physical Description

Often looking like a tall humanoid silhouetted draped in black and red clothing, Servitors often stand around 4-5 ft in height, with its shape being merely a vessel of sorts which contains all of its energies. The shroud which covers the shadowy form of this beast are actually its primary form, which are six flat cloth-like tendrils that are black on the inside, yet lined with a gruesome bloody red sheen. If glanced under the hood, a featureless silhouette of a man or woman of pure black coloration rest, with their face not even containing eyes, a nose or a mouth.


An ancient, hellish tongue of the void, the creatures of naught such as Servitors speak the Aberrant tongue, an unholy machination of words reversed from all languages currently known to exist in the multiverse. As such, they can comprehend anything that comes from a mortals word of mouth, yet they only speak through maddened telepathy.


Servitors are often the most peaceful creatures of the void, as they are naturally passive and do not attack on sight unless threatened, or have an objective in mind.


  • Servitors have six cloth-like tendrils which serve as its arms and limbs to interact with the world. They have the strength of a human, but one stage extra for every tendril doing the same action.
    • Additionally, these tendrils are also capable of slicing open void tears, calling forth reinforcements or even beginning whole invasions if not sealed quickly, as well as corrupting whatever they touch, filling it with Exia.
  • Servitors are capable of creating clones of lifeforms they have previously encountered and examined on a small scale, but are capable of creating "Hatcheries" to produce them in vast quantities. These often appear as pools of a tar-like dark liquid made of pure Exia.
  • Servitors posses every discipline of magic known, including any void magics as they are fully capable of harnessing the power of Exia to its fullest extent, though they are not the most effective frontal attacker, their skills in the backline are unparalleled.
  • If a magical being of any kind (Divinity, Shamanism, etc) or animal/monster come into contact and are grappled by the tendrils of a Servitor, the inherent Exia that possesses its form will begin to corrupt them, overloading their forms and causing major hemorrhaging and necrosis, as well as lingering void poison if they manage to escape.


Deep-Seeded Hatred


What is often referred to as one of the most dangerous beings to exist, the corrupter is a hive-like entity that is capable of corrupting, assimilating and terraforming entire planets to its own voidal form, turning it into a breeding ground of mutated monsters and memories of a fallen age. Starting at first as a single seeder (see below), corruptors, after they find a place to form a hive, begin to consume the person they used as a host, and spread a strange violet-like biomass around them. This soon results in organs which are capable of reproduction of further seeders and other creatures that it can create, along with defensive tools and vital functions to keep them alive. Corrupters consume not just people, but often their memories, powers and everything they hold dear into a single collective. It isn't uncommon for legends to speak of a single seeder being capable of wiping out an entire planet.


Corrupters are only often ever deployed one at a time to prevent any hive rivalries that could impede their growth, and as such are often the only ones on the planet of themselves.

Physical Description

A massive hive of organic biomass and organs that takes the shape of whatever large building it finds itself in, the corrupter is often a more elaborate description of a regular castle interior, except with far more random doorways and biomass platforms that awkwardly cover everything.


An ancient, hellish tongue of the void, the creatures of naught such as Corrupters speak the Aberrant tongue, an unholy machination of words reversed from all languages currently known to exist in the multiverse. As such, they can comprehend anything that comes from a mortals word of mouth, yet they only speak through maddened telepathy and for the case of corrupters, the words of those that they consumed.


Corrupters are always entirely hostile to everyone that is not a voidling, and can sometimes even mistake a fallen for a regular person.


  • Create large hives and strange biomass capable of reproduction of other creatures.
  • Plague-like spread, seeks to infect much like a parasite.
  • Combines all aurums, pools and memories of that which it consumes.



The seeders are small, bulb like entities that have numerous fiber-like legs and three large tendrils with pointed ends, which they use to dig in and consume the body of the person they posses. While seeders posses a body, they are known as "Infected", for their host is still self aware, but only controls their vocal cords and head. They are extremely fragile and let out a violet slime when slain, but are capable of re-attaching to an Infected host that lacks a seeder to re-posses them, even well after the mortal part is dead and gone.


  • Capable of digging in and taking over a person's body, mutating to create combat limbs and modifications at will with the person's body.
  • Fragile and rather useless unless in large numbers without a body, rather slow moving but has a high leap.
  • Vulnerable to everything, but especially fire.



The locusts are odd medium sized quadrupedal creatures around the size of a human on all fours, with two large frontal talons and their mouth filled with razor sharp teeth that can rip through leathers and fur, alongside flesh, with ease. Enough bites can even pierce through plate if given enough time. They have grasshopper-like legs and are extremely fast, but are not capable of large leaps. They often aim to kill with their attacks, but they do not eat corpses-instead, they drag them away to the corrupter to grow its strength.


  • Extremely dangerous en masse, capable of overrunning a location rapidly and surrounding retreating forces. Exceptional hunters.
  • Bite similar to that of an Alligator or crocodile, but their teeth are capable of shredding through plate given enough time.
  • Talons can be used as extra limbs once latched on to fight back. Strong as a human.

Pure Forms


Pure forms are terrifying creatures that are only formed once a corrupter is fully matured. They come in countless different forms delegated for specific situations, and are noted by the distinctive glowing orange tumors collected in certain areas on their bodies. They can range wildly in just about everything, but are generally classified into this form.


  • Can be shaped and formed from whatever material and concepts the Corrupter has with a variety of effects, often at the cost of the corrupter itself.
  • The ultimate mix-and-match from whatever the corrupter has absorbed and is necessary for the situation.
  • Only appears in nearly or fully evolved corrupter outbreaks.


Abysmal Serpent


Coming from the species of creatures quite passive yet monstrous, the Voidra is a being which takes all weaknesses of the Hydra and makes them its own strengths. Able to propel full spouts of Exia from its heads, this creature is by far the most dangerous thing one could encounter in the seas of Aversia. Entire fleets have been lost in recent times to this force with its capability to obliterate a vessel with but a single head’s deadly blast. All traveling through the seas hope and pray they never meet the Voidra in their voyages.


Spawned from the unholy tampering of summoning abilities mixed with influence from the Void, these creatures are extremely rare as they are only formed by extensive corruption of a hydra's corpse upon the mortal realm. As such, there are often only one or two at any given time.

Physical Description

Boasting a devastating size, one like an aquatic fortress in and of itself, the Voidra’s main body is roughly fifty meters long and thirty meters wide with a twenty meter long tail. Each of the ten serpentine heads are twenty meters long and around five meters thick in diameter. Exia seeps from each of the heads like black and violet flames waiting to destroy, and the scales upon its form are like that of a dragon’s, holding terrifying resistances. Topping it off, five meter long fangs, two upon both the upper and lower jaws, are found within the maws of each of the heads, these being the primary conventional weaponry of the beast.


With the influence of dragons and the corruption of the Void, each of the heads are able to speak the Aberrant tongue, a horrifying machination of words preaching the end of existence. Only just before appearing does the Voidra speak, condemning its victims to Absence itself.


Utterly and completely hostile, even known to turn its heads upon itself in the most dire of situations, if only to create more of itself to fight with. While willing to temporarily cooperate with agents of the Void, viable relations are near impossible to form with this beast.


  • Each of the Voidra’s heads are capable of producing spouts of Exia, each one the size of a carriage. These tear through all materials that aren’t effective against the Void like they’re nothing, able to completely disintegrate platemail in two turns before disintegrating flesh. An unarmored body struck will be left with what’s like third degree burns along with Void *Poisoning while an armored body struck will take first degree burns and Void Poisoning.
  • If a head is cut off by anything that isn’t Celedium or Meteoric Iron, two entirely new heads will form in three turns in its place.
  • The scales encompass the entirety of the Voidra’s form and are impenetrable to blunt damage as well as any magical or divine abilities. Piercing damage is only truly effective using silver, gold, Celedium, or Meteoric Iron.
  • The fangs of the Voidra can impale a fully plated being in one bite and is exceedingly capable of tearing through its own scales.
  • Its blood is pure Exia mixed with acidic poisons, this substance which is able to destroy anything at two times the rate of the Voidra’s Exia blasts.

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