Brawnin Bloatback

From Aethier
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The Brawnin Bloatback is a massive creature that weighs 2000kg - 4000kg, and they possess large and dull tusks which protrude from the corners of their mouths and have a bulbous nose. The nose extends down in a trunk measuring 0.3m, and is used as a tool to grip objects, or help the Brawnin Bloatback devour its food. The limbs of their body are mitigated for a more streamline physique which helps propel them in water. Their side flippers are dwarfed by a massive hind flipper, which itself is 1m in length.

The powerful hind flipper allows the Brawnin Bloatback to move rapidly in water, escaping most predators and huntsman. The proboscis trunk upon their nose is their unique limb, which they use to breathe whilst staying submerged to grasp objects, and even to devour their food. As it would seem, the Brawnin Bloatback’s mouth does not connect to the stomach, rather such is only connected to its lungs. Instead, the proboscis nose connects to both the Brawnin Bloatback’s stomach and lungs.

When hunting, the Brawnin Bloatback will attempt to propel its massive body into prey - stunning it, or capturing it in its mouth. Once captured, the Brawnin Bloatback will retreat, and extend its nose down, which will regurgitate into its mouth an alchemical ooze, which will dissolve the prey’s flesh, bones, scales, and all. The alchemical ooze will dissolve the prey in its mouth, and once liquified, the proboscis nose will enter its mouth - and suck away the dissolved contents into its stomach.

During the months of Mortina, Hiberies, and Glacies the Brawnin Bloatbacks are known to travel in massive packs, numbering between 40 to over 100 Brawnin Bloatbacks. These migrating packs will seek slightly warmer waters of islands, and coasts - although, the Brawnin Bloatbacks are known to invade harbors, populated beaches, and even attempt to sink ships for breeding grounds. These powerful creatures will spend the next three months in and out of the water, hunting and breeding.

The Brawnin Bloatback is fiercely territorial, and is a powerful creature that is known to sink even large ships - when they attack in mass. Brawnin Bloatbacks are only known, while in heat or defending newly born pups to become this aggressive. Otherwise, these massive creatures remain docile to the seafaring activities of the Aversians. When in mating season, the female Brawnin Bloatbacks will develop their namesake bump on the hind of their backs - which will slow their speed and make them easy to prey upon. These bumps will signal to the males that this female has yet to mate, or become pregnant. Male Brawnin Bloatbacks will fight and clash over the females on beaches, which are a spectacle to onlookers. When a Brawnin Bloatback pup is born, the pups will weigh between 30-50kg and are 1m in length.


The Brawnin Bloatback is a Rare aquatic mammal, which will migrate often between the far north to the less chilly coasts for their three month mating season.


The Brawnin Bloatback is known to traverse often the frigid waters of the north, and rarely the less cold waters of the South. Though, at any point, they will never enter what is considered a Tropical, or subtropical climate. They will remain in the Northern Coasts for most of the year, but will travel a distance South during mating season.


The Brawnin Bloatback is omniverous, and due to its unique method of consuming its food - the Brawnin Bloatback is able to survive on any form of nutrition at all.


The Brawnin Bloatback is a powerful yet docile creature, that is not intelligent enough to be tamed normally. During the mating season, the Brawnin Bloatback is known to become extremely territorial, and have continually sunk small and large vessels alike - if they enter their mating grounds. As the Brawnin Bloatbacks will often return to their previous year’s mating grounds, these invasions may become annual for some harbors - and are nigh impossible to stop.


  • The Brawnin Bloatback is a massive creature that may ram into vessels, and very easily sink them when attacking in packs. This behavior has only been observed when the Brawnin Bloatback is in heat, or are protecting nearby Brawnin Bloatback pups.
  • The Brawnin Bloatback does not consume with its mouth, and will instead capture its prey there - before regurgitating from its proboscis nose an alchemical ooze named Bractal. Bractal will dissolve within the Brawnin’s mouth any prey it has captured, once dissolved the proboscis nose will enter the mouth - and suck into its stomach the dissolved contents.
  • The mouth of this creature is only connected to its lungs, whilst its proboscis nose is connected to both its stomach and lungs.
  • The Brawnin Bloatback possesses a powerful hind flipper, which may propel it forth through water - Brawning Bloatbacks may easily escape most predators and huntsman using this flipper. They are as well known to be able to travel up to 90km in one day, when in migration.

Material Properties

  • The two long tusks of the Brawnin Bloatback may be used and sharpened by Aversians to be used as tools. The tusks are a favored tool of Northsmen, as when cold these tusks become as unbreakable and hard as ROTM, however when warm are malleable as if made of molten metal.

Alchemical Properties

  • The alchemical ooze, named Bractal, may be used by alchemists as a means to alchemically dissolve materials and alchemical components. When a component is dissolved by Bractal, it will retain all of its properties while in the dissolved state temporarily, allowing for advanced crafting.

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