The Dragon Wars
- The Dragon Wars -
When the fate of the world was escaped by some, there were others left behind to fend for themselves as the dragons feuded with each other. What was a simple disagreement and struggle to fill a power vacuum for the elder dragons and their broods was a world endings catastrophic disaster for the mortals who walked the world. While people of all races fought against the primal energies of Ice, Earth, and Fire a few stories and tales of note made way through the cracks of time and history.
Rohana's fiery brood of Danakov, Draxgar and dragons alike marched towards the freezing enemies of the Ice Dragons main forces. The world shook as the forces clashed. Dragons meeting in the skies, talons ripping scales, flesh, and muscles apart exposing blood and bone. On the ground, was much the same, the weapons of the paragons, chosen, and the elder's warriors rip and tear through their enemies, both body and soul. As the sides of red and blue slowly begin to dwindle to each other, a dominating and ground shaking roar interrupts the seemingly never ending battle. In a deafening crack the earth is split in the middle separating the two forces. And from the fissure..
Sal'uun emerges, blasting both of the forces back and following through onslaught of his own brood, relentlessly tearing the forces of Rohana and Eldredlar alike. Already weakened by the ongoing battle, they struggled to maintain a line and fend against the slaughter. However, with the attention turned from each other onto Sal'uun's forces, Rohana manages to help establish a line, burning the entire forest their enemies used to mask movements. On the other side of the mountain sized fissure, Eldredlar causes a frenzy within Sal'uuns forces as their start to rip each other apart just as much as their enemy. What the three elder dragons didn't realize is from the deepest point of the fissure, a small hole led to the depths, now unveiled.
The stone slowly chipped away, falling in to the cavern that was previously sealed and unescapable. The previous keyhole slowly crumbles away and opens to the size of a doorway, and the darkest black is all that's seen in the doorway sized hole as if nothing was there. And then the black hole blinks open, and the Iris of the under-dragon began shrinking in size as light touches it for the first time in ages. The bottom of the fissure erupts inwards as the Ezikia makes themselves known, flying upwards in a slithering fashion and out of the fissure, maw wide open catching and Sal'uun in it's jaw, teeth sinking deep into the flesh. Seeing the opportunity, Rohana surges forward, gusts of wind blasting those behind her to their back, surging upwards and shredding through an ice dragon unfortunate enough to be in her path, causing the separate halves of dragon to fall to the earth. Rohana's talons dig into Ezikia's body, dragging Ezikia and Sal'uun in it's grasp upwards. Likewise, Eldredlar sees the opportune moment, almost simultaneously clashing into the cluster of scales and elements, maw ripping into Rohanas body. A loud cry for pain shatters the sky as all four engage in combat.
The four dragons fly upwards as they all attempt to escape their vice, and lose sight of the battle below. Danakov and Draxgar of all broods leak unto the dirt and grass, sand and water and every field of battle imaginable as it begins to hit he climax of the war. As the elder dragon's fly upwards, the darkened cloudy skies are below them. The clear open skies remain serene and peaceful despite the war ongoing below as the elder dragons manage to separate from each other and resort to blasting their respective domains at each other. As Rohana's maw opens and a bright orange lava forms in her mouth spouting forward, Sal'uuns talons sink into her neck and aim's her stream of lava upwards. As the orange plume shoots forward, it's suddenly split straight through by something, entering Rohana's jaw, creating a small electric field around her body and jumping to Sal'uun. Both elder dragons begin to plummet downwards from the atmosphere. From what seemed to be the sun, a small hole in the stratosphere where Rohana was previously burning erupts Hurzava, enraged that the quiet and serene skies was interrupted and in result a storm blasts across the continent in rage. Faster then Ezikia can react, Hurzava soars by, a claw tearing a low line in the already decayed wing. And before Eldredlar can turn, the head of Hurzava impacts into it's torso and throwing them downwards. The dragon of the sky follows suit.
The armies below, all in battle under the now dark and ashy clouds do not notice numerous circles of light clouds in the sheet of darkness. From the circles above, lightning erupts, frying those below it and spreading to nearby allies and enemies. On the other end, Rohana and Sal'uun's massive bodies start to catch flame as they plummet downwards, the flame comforting Rohana into a conscious state which allows her to flap her ginormous wings just enough to only create a crater where she lands. Meanwhile Sal'uun's dragons fire sand upwards towards the plummeting elder. The dragon's body continuing to descend rapidly despite the indication it would crush his allies allows below him. Though they just barely manage, all the dragons and their broods catch their breath for the briefest of moments. The dwindled numbers, dazed and confused with no other option then to fight on look around. There was a point of no return that passed a long time ago in this fight, but nonetheless they still attempted to halt it. The chosen rally their troops one final time so that they may survive, with all sides slowly disengaging. Without warning, Hurzava spirals downwards, creating a hole in the clouds and begins pursuing Eldruedlar and Ezikia from behind.
Ezikia, separating from the chase, moves to instead take hold of Sal'uun's second in command dragon. Breathing an acidic spray of death in it's face, the earthen scaled dragon roars with ferocity as it is soon nothing but petrified bones. Eldruedlar released large missile like spikes of ice towards the elusive Hurzava, with a stray spike impaling a lavaborn dragon pinning it to the mountain side. From the crater, Rohana slowly rises to her feet, a weak and desperate flap comes to dash her to the fissure. She plummets down landing in a pool of lava to escape the fight. Sal'uun, without being noticed, slowly dissolved into the ground and escaped. Ezikia prowls on the ground, slithering through the remaining forces watching the Ice and Sky dragon. In an upwards leap, Ezikia would surge upwards and managed to capture Hurzava's long tail in it's mouth. Eldruedlar smashed into Ezikias body soon after, causing the three to plummet to the ground. Hurzava turned their head in shock and pain as lightening bolts fired out of it's mouth at all angles as it was hit while channeling. Suddenly, a large ball formed in the back of Hurzava's throat, from which it was released and landed into Eldredlar's body. The electricity surged through Eldruedlar's body and transferred, wiping out the rest of Sal'uun's forces that were gathered that had not already escaped. The ice dragon laid on the ground, a small electro field sparking off the limp body of his defeated form.
Ezikia continues to find purchase on Hurzava, ripping and tearing. The sky dragon in response struggles and manages to grab onto Ezikia's neck in desperation. In a sudden surge upwards, Hurzava's tail tears through Ezikia's wings like a blade. A shrill of pain emitted from the underdragon as it released and plummeted to the ground, disappearing into the fissure where it once came. Hurzava surges upwards into the sky, with the hole in the dark clouds closing behind them. Eldredlar being left behind stood up, where he soon slowly moved to a sheet of ice in the north, collapsing onto it to rest. The ice shattering and the cold water swallowing the dragon in to the lake. What was left behind from the elder dragon's destructive quarrel was near complete destruction. A barren landscape left behind with no life.
Nothing was left. And for a thousand Tsel's... nothing would be.
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