
From Aethier
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A greyish brown metal, found specially in Swamps and sites where natural decay is prevalent. It is rumoured that, under unknown circumstances and over the course of several centuries, the metal is formed by big piles of organic material. In nature, insects and small animals can get stuck in it. This prevents them from escape and sticks their carcasses to the metal which eventually is covered entirely. While proof against it has been presented many times over the years, belief that bogrot is actually an organic being still persists.


Greyish Brown




  • Malleability: High/low
  • Magnetic: No
  • Conductivity of Heat: Average
  • Primary Uses: Armour, projectiles and traps


  • Bogrot, when exposed to air, presents a sticky almost tar-like composition. Anything organic that touches the material becomes stuck and impossible to remove. Sudden changes in temperature, be it hot or cold, causes bogrot to lose its effects for three turns and become identical to steel.
    • Non-organic materials such as metal and stones are unaffected by this metal's ability.

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