In life, Koltrad was a renowned general, known for both his peerless skill with a blade and his masterful command of the battlefield. Throughout his career he defended his meager homeland against foes of infinite number, though he would eventually fall to the insurmountable might of the Aestatians. Slain by an arrow, his armies routed, with only his honor guard to protect his corpse. The loyal guard of Koltrad fought to the last man, and for this, Sterk honored them. Now, Koltrad and his fighters serve the God of War as dignitaries and eternal warriors, forever fighting in her servitude.
Odrin, like Koltrad was once a mere mortal man. In ages long since past, this Demi-Servant of Sterk was considered the best in their craft of siege weaponry, and the positioning and moving of troops. Leading battles from his tent, he masterfully would rule the battlefield, opponents falling into his many traps and schemes with little realization. The day would come for Sterk to test the man's mettle, sending a former, now nameless champion. Odrin baited the champion into his flanks, which appeared weak and easily combed through. Yet they would soon find that their army had been ensnared, Odrin challenging the champion to single combat. Eventually removing the head of the victim with his bare hands, Sterk would bestow him with her blessing after the combat. Proceeding into many wars, and admirably falling in combat to save his troops, Sterk ascended the man to her side, to forever strategize in her plane of combat. It is rare that Odrin is sighted, yet his words often come as a premonition of the battle to come.
The goddess Sterk came into being from the omnipotent Veltes, viewed as his spawn and often referred to as his daughter. Veltes trained the deity from her youth, showing her how to use her first weapon, the greataxe Veneration, and how to properly commit the art of warfare. From planning and tactics, to fighting alongside her men, Sterk learned. Some within the Pantheon stated that she had learned too fast, and that her youthful arrogance would cause issue, but Sterk was always one step ahead of their pleas. What started out with nigh the strength of a mortal child would grow into a powerful Deity. Her combat prowess far surpassed the other gods which had once loomed over her, and she now stood at the precipice of becoming renowned through the planes as the first Goddess of War.
Yet Veltes did not cease his efforts as the young lady grew. Every passing sept the mortals continued to endow him, and his domains grew dramatically alongside it. Every passing sept he continued to train her brilliant mind until she was nearly as bright as himself. The time for Sterk's entrance into the Pantheon's ranks was nigh. When she finally was shoved into the spotlight, her exponential ability trumped all but the greatest minds of the Pantheon, exceeding their expectation for the young divine with flying colors.
Yet something was missing.
The first thing she sought upon taking the ranks of the divine was not to form a following, nor impress any mortals with her grace. This perplexed many of the Pantheon, whom simply expected her to take her place silently like the rest had done eons before. She was not content with such a fate, and just like at her very inception, she wished to fight, to bleed her enemies more then anything else. Being a divine, a fight was the least challenging thing to get. A great war raged upon the plains of Aversia, and from every corner of the realm men fought, bled and died without conviction. Reveling in such endless combat, Sterk jumped at the opportunity to prove herself among the ranks of warriors. To be the best that had ever been, and will ever be. And so she fought...
Sterk's Doctrine
- Lack not the will to fight.
- Lack not the intellect to win.
- Lack not the motive to triumph over the idle.
Plane of Origin
The Fields of War & The Iron Citadel
The realm of the God of War is vast and inhospitable, though at its center stands a colossal and stalwart building of staggering proportions. Fashioned from innumerable swords, spears, shields and other items, the tower watches over the infinite marsh of blood-soaked soil that surround it. Amidst these plains fight armies from a thousand different eras and cultures in a battle with no end. Men fight, die, and fight again in the Fields of War, for in life they lacked the merit required to enter the Iron Citadel, and thus have been given a second chance to stake their claim at glory. Champions in this violent limbo are routinely brought into the citadel, where they may finally enjoy solemn peace in the halls of Sterk.
Ideal Realm
Sterk relishes as much in the strategy and honored discipline of war as much as she does the sheer violence of conflict, and the mantra of "might makes right" A world under the sole purview of Sterk is a battleground, an arena of mighty champions and warlords, each looking to rule the other.
Recordatus Bellum
On the dawn of Midsummer's Eve, sparks a time of remembrance for those soldiers and generals who have lost their lives amidst wars long since past. . . It is a time for solemn mourning, and a time to remember the fallen soldiers for what they were in life, and the happiness of their times among the living.
Yet- such, is not the only period of remembrance, for as any would say for Sterk, those who recall their fallen brothers and sisters, they would work with one another and consider why they have fallen short of surviving the battle. . . By the end of the night, their memories have been solidified, and a time of celebration closes the short worship of the Strategist, sealed with mead and meal at the draw of the night.
- Sterk highly respects her father, but often worries that she is seen in his shadow instead of standing on her own.
- Sterk respects Arvora, but finds her tendencies of pacifism distasteful.
- Finds distaste in Vikret, whom she believes to be dishonorable and has easily tainted mortals with the power of magic.
Myths and Speculation
- Myth carries that Sterk and Veltes often spar, but Veltes ensures that Sterk's axe never lands a blow upon his body.
- It is said Sterk does not like Watermelons.
The Gods |
Arvora • Bahari • Belek • Dahriim • Domm • Foli • Morto |
Oklamat • Ombra • Sol • Sterk • Vassas • Venti • Vikret |
The World of Aethius • The Multiverse of Aethier |