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Those who are divine are able to sanctify certain materials in aid of their holy cause. Through ancient rituals and practice, the divine is able to consecrate specific items and in rare cases even create relics for the purpose of their god. These items are considered holy and each has a unique purpose as granted by their divine. These are tools to be used by the divine or their disciples to further the goals of their divine and are not to be created lightly or under false pretenses. For those who are blessed by more than one divine, they are only able to sanctify in the name of their more devout god.

In addition to this, blessed are capable of cleansing someone who has desired to absolve themselves to a new and better life away from the profane, or certain unholy objects that may have been twisted as such. In the case of both, a great ritual and ceremony is required to purge and cleanse the evil energies of an object or person, which is often done in rooms filled with holy idols, incense and other peculiar vestments that the gods deem fitting, depending on the blessed's patronage. [A player event is required for sanctification, but does not require a DM nor takes up an event slot. The event application is for record keeping purposes, purely. All divine sanctification requires IC AND OOC consent from the player it is occurring to.]

Yet it is also known that despite being absolved, some return to their sin and are stricken soon after with divine energies which saved them from their life. Unless removed by another more malice-filled being or divine, if the sanctified person finds themselves with the profane once again infecting their form, the holy energy within will kill their physical form, and their soul will be taken to Mortos realm for eternal punishment. (If a person whom is sanctified of their profane stacks or other ailment returns of their own free will to such after being sanctified without said sanctification being removed, their souls are taken, and they are permakilled by the divines as punishment.)

Sanctified Ground

Sanctified ground is an effect that some artifacts, holy weapons and abilities that can create or generate, which are universally holy in nature. While many forms of sanctified grounds or consecrations exist and have many different effects, they all fall underneath this general category. Some are temporary, some are permanent, as they can range from the ability of a holy hammer to a gods manifestation of their influence over a statue, building or even a city.

Sanctified Effects


A follower of Arvora is able to spawn berries from seemingly thin air when focusing. This Holy Berry had two functions and must be declared when created. If healing, the consumed berry stabilizes someone near death and allows them to be treated if done so within eight emotes and are known to be a potential component for alchemicals which can cure curses like vallahism or lycanthropy. These berries when consumed also provide the nutrition of a full day’s meals, but only work once every six hours on the same person. If poison, the berry is capable of acting as a sedative to animals of any size, and once eaten puts them into a deep sleep for the duration. Smaller animals tend to awaken faster than large ones, but certain larger animals may require up to 3 berries to successfully have the effect occur. The effect cannot occur on the same animal more than once every six hours.


A follower of Bahari is able to summon a clam from seemingly thin air. When opened, a rare pearl is inside. This Holy Pearl when crushed grants the user the power to commune with sea creatures beneath the waves for up to ten emotes before it fades away.


A follower of Belek can sanctify any form of flame that is not holy or larger than their palm into crimson hellfire. This cannot be used on the same flame again should it be turned back or changed in any way. This does not make the user immune to hellfire.


A follower of Dahriim can sanctify the properties of water, allowing them to become holy in nature. This holy water is potent against the profane, and those of opposing divines to Dahriim. Holy Water is known to be a potential component for alchemicals which cure curses or harm the profane.


A follower of Domm is able to sanctify any stone. When crushed, this Holy Stone provides a one-use shield upon a person, protecting them from all material harm which would befall the person who broke the stone for one turn. This has a cooldown of six hours before being able to be used again by said person.


A follower of Foli can sanctify any magical or blessed item. After completion, the item will do the inverse of whatever it was originally intended to do. This includes other sanctifications.


A follower of Morto is able to spawn a Holy Mushroom which when used on a corpse prevents it from becoming a vessel which can be used for necromancy. Should they use this on someone on the brink of death, it prevents them from feeling the pain before their passing, allowing them to go peacefully. This can also be used on corpses both dead and slain from undeath to rot them away, returning them to the earth.


A follower of Oklamat can enchant a coin which they hold. When enchanted, this coin acts as something which can be actively spent to increase their luck. When the Holy Coin is tossed, the next action which would require the blessed to roll, the blessed can roll two dice and choose which result they will use. This has a cooldown of six hours and destroys the coin.


A follower of Ombra can enchant any small object with the ability to turn into a shadowy familiar of small size, such as a mouse or a snake, and though harmless, they can assume control of it through their senses, and use it to travel, discover and learn of things up to 25m away, and for up to eight turns. This cannot be made into avian creatures, and only one can be used every six hours. If the familiar dies, they painlessly return to their own form.


A follower of Sol can summon a ray of pure sunlight which they hold known as Holy Radiance. When applied to the flesh of the cursed or profane, it sears like raw fire. Holy Radiance can also light a 12m radius around itself as if it were a sunstone, though it only has one use and lasts six turns. This light also reveals any shadow or light-bending based invisibility, and destroys all “copies” of individuals, be it from psionics, shakti or otherwise within it that are not aura-based or higher. It also causes a glow around the original being who casted them for the duration as well that bypasses any further invisibilities.


A follower of Sterk can sanctify a magical item. When doing so, it strips away the properties of said magical item permanently. This does not apply to relics, artifacts, or divine items. This can be used mid combat, but the blessed has to have at least one hand with a decent grip around the object in question.


A follower of Vassas can restore and rewind an item back to a state of the blessed's choosing. This can only be done once on an item. The item cannot be restored if they did not exist when it was destroyed. If the item is restored, it will return any enchantments or special effects back to normal, even if cancelled by a blessed of Sterk.


A follower of Venti is able to sanctify a bag. This bag is said to hold great winds inside of it. When opened, the bag releases these Holy Winds, providing a great thrust in the direction, able to slow the fall of the one who opened it, or push them or objects in its path fifteen meters from their original location. It can also contain up to ten items of any size within it, but if any of the other uses are done, all the items come flying out of the bag.


A follower of Vikret can sanctify a liquid. When done, this bluish purple liquid resembles that of mana. This liquid has numerous effects if combined with the right potion ingredients. Furthermore, if this Holy Mana is applied to profane enchantments on items, it removes them entirely.

Aurum Types
DivinityDemonbrandsMagecraftRunesmithingFeyspeakShamanismThe Fallen
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier