Lesser Divinity

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Lesser divinity is a special gift granted by a Deity who believes in or has the first roots of favor with a mortal who carries possible potential. Gifted via a mark and small boons, a lesser blessed is not necessarily a less important one. While very few people possess actual divinity from the gods, there are many more of those quieter types who possess the favor of them in the form of lesser divinity. While for some this may be a stepping stone to further ambitions, for most it is a way of life that does not change past what they inherited.

Those who have been given these minor blessings from the boons are given ten aura like a normal blessed, however with distinct changes. They are not given a holy relic, nor are they allowed to create sanctification. In order to cast, the lesser blessed channels through their own essence. However should their hands both be cut off, they will not be able to cast any longer.

Arvora: Lifekeepers

Physical Changes: Upon the blessed's back a great tree symbol much like a tattoo forms. The mark passively glows a gentle color but becomes far brighter when casting, and its coloration changes based on the season in the realm they are in. The trunk of this tree will follow up the Blessed’s spine.


  • Senses of the Hunter
    • Deity: Arvora
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: One Turn
    • Duration: Fifteen Turns
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The Blessed is capable of enhancing their hearing or sight to an extreme degree, resulting in certain effects. If the blessed enhances their hearing, they are capable of hearing anything within 30m of themselves, even muffled or outright mute footsteps via ability, as well as any noises of silent wings or any form of flight. If the blessed enhances their sight, they become capable of noticing any form of motion that is not flora related (except for “living” flora, such as active Treants) including invisibility, and the location of a teleportation even before arrival as well as general perfect visibility as long as it is not blocked within their line of sight.
  • Affluent Restoration
    • Deity: Arvora
    • Aura: 2 + 1 per turn
    • Cast Time: Two Turns
    • Duration: Channeled
    • Range: Touch
    • Effect: By hovering their hands over a wound, the caster focuses their divinity upon their palms as they generate a bright green healing aura. The aura slowly but surely encourages the body's regeneration, and heals wounds. It takes one turn to heal a wound down a tier, from lethal to severe, etc.
  • Beasts of Benevolence
    • Deity: Arvora
    • Aura: See Below.
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: See Below.
    • Range: Self.
    • Effect: The blessed is able to shift into an animal up to monstrous rarity for a set duration and time. They inherit all the traits and their own intelligence, but they cannot wield any extra weaponry or armors. The blessed can spend their last action of this ability paying the aura cost to refresh the duration, but they cannot cast other abilities within this form unless explicitly stated.
      • Passive: 1 Aura (1 ooc day)
      • Threatening: 1 Aura (12 turns)
      • Dangerous: 2 Aura (10 turns)
      • Monstrous: 3 Aura (8 turns)

Bahari: Blessing of the Waves

Physical Changes: The body of the blessed becomes far more aquatic in nature then a normal person would be. Their ears become more scaly, with the tips shaped a little more like fins, and their hands and feet become webbed. There are even some who have a minor growth of scales on their extremities. The mark of Bahari appears like a wave of turbulent waters all around their neck, and crashes together when they are casting.


  • The Wrathful Seas
    • Deity: Bahari
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Three Turns
    • Range: 12m
    • Effect: By a song, the Blessed summons forth a 5x5x5 raging sea of water, which can be moved 3m per turn. This wave will progress, capturing within its form all that it crosses over. Targets and objects will be carried by this wave will begin to drown, whilst bludgeoned by any of the sea’s contents. Attempting to escape this moving sea will require a DC 14 save. For each object captured in the sea, which will be bludgeoning the target, is a -1 modifier (maximum of -3).
      • For each turn the target fails, they will earn bludgeons upon the following scale:
        • One Failure: Mild bludgeoning, consistent with fractures.
        • Two Failures: Moderate bludgeoning, consistent with broken bones and breaking of minor appendages.
        • Three Failures: Severe bludgeoning, consistent with complete shattering of bones - the lungs are likely to be pierced by one’s own ribs.
  • Dutchman’s Anchor
    • Deity: Bahari
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Four Turns; Six Turns.
    • Range: 8m.
    • Effect: Striking the ground comes a massive ancient anchor, at the behest of the Blessed. Any target within 3m of the anchor will become chained, bound within 5m of the anchor. Every 2 Turns, a Tier of Strength is drained from each of the targets and will then belong to the Blessed for 6 Turns. A maximum of 3 Tiers of Strength may be earned.
  • Bubble Shield
    • Deity: Bahari
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Eight Turns
    • Range: 2m
    • Effect: The blessed creates a bubble of protective water 2m around them in a sphere, protecting them from all projectiles by blocking them before they can reach. This bubble can also absorb up to three abilities of any kind, and after the third the bubble pops. It can also be used to travel underwater with small groups, as the bubble provides air for those within it.

Belek: Ignis Ira

Physical Changes: The lesser blessed will receive a mark on their left arm that encompasses the majority of their arm much like a sleeve. This mark is demonic in nature. The lesser blessed are granted incorporeal demonic horns which can be turned invisible at will, as well as burning green eyes like hellfire.


  • Chains of Submission
    • Deity: Belek
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Six Turns
    • Range: 10m
    • Effect: The blessed unleashes burning hellfire chains from their arms to wrap around two limbs of up to two people within range. The victims must roll a DC13 with +1 for every tier of strength above 5 to resist these chains, or be wrapped by them and at the mercy of the person wielding them. This means the stronger you are, the harder it is to escape. Every turn the victim can make a roll to break free, but the DC increases by 1 for each failure. These chains, for every turn they remain on somebody, inflict one degree of burn, up to a maximum of third, or, after five turns, burn the limb to a crisp rendering them unusable permanently. The blessed can also choose to swing, pull or commit the person pinned to a movement or action for that limb, up to 5m in any direction, and can harm the victim with this ability. The chains dissipate after a single use.
  • Ruinous Wave
    • Deity: Belek
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Instant
    • Range: 25m
    • Effect: The blessed unleashes a wave of burning hellfire like a tsunami, 6m wide by 5m tall that travels forwards at 5m per emote to a maximum of 25m. Anyone who comes into contact with the burning hellfire will be burnt to the 3rd degree if unarmored or in organic armors, or 2nd if armored via metal, as well as being helplessly pushed along with it to the end of its wave. Any projectiles that attempt to pass through it that are physical in nature are disintegrated, and it leaves no fire behind it.
  • Unbridled Ambition
    • Deity: Belek
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed is granted one tier higher of strength for every moderate or higher injured, defeated or incapacitated person they directly caused within 20m(with a maximum of 3, bypassing rules), and any weapon they possess, as long as they are touching it, becomes holy.

Dahriim: Ardent Lucem

Physical Changes: The lesser blessed will receive a mark on their right arm that encompasses the majority of their arm much like a sleeve. This mark is angelic in nature. The lesser blessed are also granted a pure white halo over their head which they can turn invisible at will, as well as silver eyes.


  • Blessing of Protection
    • Deity: Dahriim
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Six Turns
    • Range: 8m
    • Effect: The blessed channels their aura outwards into a large, encompassing dome 8m wide and tall around themselves and others. Profane creatures are shoved outside of the dome and unable to get in, and all weaponry, abilities or otherwise are incapable of entering or leaving the dome. The blessed must remain immobile to keep the ability up, and if they move or are forced to, the ability dispels. In addition, they can choose who is and is not allowed to enter the dome, though they cannot choose with or without weaponry.
  • Lucent Rush
    • Deity: Dahriim
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: Two Turns
    • Duration: Two Turns
    • Range: Up to 10m
    • Effect: The blessed uses divine energies to rush forth a projection of themselves up to 10m in any direction that can make an action as if they were there, much like an echo. This echo is physical, and capable of committing up to two actions before disappearing, but is stationary where it is placed. For the use of one action, the blessed can destroy the image, and assume its exact position where it once stood. If a strike against the image would cause any sort of wound above mild, the echo dissipates. It also stands and/or floats on any surface, including air, and as such is omnidirectional but cannot pass through completely solid material.
  • Embodiment of a True Hero
    • Deity: Dahriim
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed embodies the champions of justice from both the past, present and future, and is granted several boons to further their purpose. The blessed is granted one tier higher of speed for every moderate or higher injured uninvolved bystander or unarmed person within 20m of them (with a maximum of 3, bypassing rules), and any weapon they possess, as long as they are touching it, becomes holy.

Domm: Mountain's Defenders

Physical Changes: The blesseds skin appears tougher, more calloused and almost like rough stone as if it were cut from the earth itself. Their footfalls seem heavier despite no change in weight, and their hair often becomes an earthen brown. The mark of Domm is received right over their heart.


  • Armored Defense
    • Deity: Domm
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: Two Turns
    • Duration: Ten Turns
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed takes hold of any weapon that possesses one or more kilograms of a specific material, and temporarily consumes it, turning it into a suit of armor that covers their form. This takes on the property of the material used, and is easy to move around in, though not very stealthy. When the duration expires, the weapon reforms back to normal and the armor fades away.
  • Immovable Object
    • Deity: Domm
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: Two Turns
    • Duration: Two Turns, Until attacked.
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed roots their feet deep into the earth beneath them, and becomes an immovable shield that is capable of withstanding a single attack of any kind, no matter its ferocity. If the weapon is a cone, a wave, a breath or any form of area of effect, it absorbs into a single spot near the blessed, who takes it all head on. Once the attack is finished, the blessed can then either dispel it, or redirect the attack back to its original opponent within two turns before it automatically dispels.
  • Mountainous Pillars
    • Deity: Domm
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: Two Turns
    • Duration: Twenty Turns
    • Range: 8m
    • Effect: The blessed channels forth the will of stone and erupts a 4x4 pillar of stone in a direction from the ground that can go up to 8m in any direction and grow at a height of 4m per turn. Anyone hit by this pillar is likely pushed back with moderate blunt fractures if unarmored. The pillar lasts for twenty turns, and can be claimable or even walkable to form platforms over areas otherwise inaccessible, and can also be used to trap large beasts. Up to four pillars can exist at once before they start to dissipate.

Foli: Forgotten Children

Physical Changes: Foli blessed do not receive any physical changes at a glance, and their physical changes can only be revealed if they so desire. The mark of Foli is present upon their forehead, and when casting, the atomic-like eye opens and shines a dark violet.


  • What’s Yours is Mine
    • Deity: Foli
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: One Turn
    • Duration: Instant, Six Turns
    • Range: 12m
    • Effect: The blessed is capable of choosing one ability of any aurum from a person within range and copying it. It can then be recast within six turns for free, but must follow the cast time properly. If the ability's duration runs out while the blessed is casting, the ability, as long as it is not interrupted, can still be casted.
  • Chains of Fear
    • Deity: Foli
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Eight Turns
    • Range: 10m
    • Effects: The blessed causes a projection of a person or creatures greatest point of fear or hatred to appear on an object or person within range that isn’t the victim themselves, manipulating their form to cause both grief, anxiety and panic in their victim. The body's fight mode is forced, causing them to want to attack and destroy whatever it is they are facing even if they generally are not combative in nature. The victims eyes shine a bright purple when this effect is active, and this ability bypasses all forms of mental protection. For every turn that passes except the first, the victim can make a roll to get back to their senses with a DC 14 + 1 for every turn it continues to immerse them. This ability cannot be casted on the same person again within a 12 OOC hour timespan.
  • Unquiet Mind
    • Deity: Foli
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blesseds mind is granted a layer of chaotic protection that prevents it from many malicious effects. The blessed cannot have their concentration broken by any means except wounding, bypassing all abilities. In addition, the blessed cannot be affected and can tell when something is an illusion, a form of psionics or any kind of other mind bending abilities. They also know exactly who, where and how someone attempted to access their mind, down to the aurum they use and if it is profane in nature.

Morto: Death’s Embrace

Physical Changes: The blessed carries with them an ethereal gloom of death about them, always seeming paler and far more ghost like. Their skin is more clear and translucent, and their very spirit exudes a feeling of death-like calmness. The mark of Morto is located crawling up the blesseds back.


  • Reap
    • Deity: Morto
    • Aura: 1
    • Cast Time: Two Turns
    • Duration: Three Turns, One Attack
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed fills their weapon of choice with a gloomy aura of death. The next attack against a person bypasses all defenses and strikes them incorporeally. As long as it manages to solidly hit their center of mass or head, the strike weakens the affected person by one tier of strength and speed, to a maximum of negative two, but does no actual damage. If the target has been hit twice already, then reap instead strengthens the blessed by one tier of strength and speed as well, up to a maximum of two. Any further strikes beyond the fourth stun the victim for one turn.
  • Spectral Soul
    • Deity: Morto
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed’s aura emits a certain energy that makes them one and the same with incorporeal creatures. Any incorporeal creatures, be they wild, feral or created do not view the blessed with hostility, and in the case of profane; they treat them with fear. Incorporeal creatures will still attack if pressured, threatened or ordered to. They can also interact with the incorporeal as if they were entirely physical in nature, and all their weapons, armor and abilities have this extended to them.
  • Gloom Shield
    • Deity: Morto
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Five Turns
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed’s casts a dark and withered shield around themselves that protects from all physical attacks, be it projectiles, melee strikes or otherwise for five turns. During this time, the blessed can also not physically attack either, but is capable of using incorporeal attacks if they possess any. If any incorporeal, magical ability or otherwise impact or harm the blessed, the shield breaks.

Oklamat: Intrepid Adventurers

Physical Changes: The blessed develop a golden tan to their skin akin to one who has traveled the world, their muscles toned, their appearance that of health and are unphased by foul weathers. The mark of oklamat is present upon the calf of the blessed.


  • Omnistep
    • Deity: Oklamat
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed is unbound by conventional logic and is able to walk upon any surface regardless of density except air, but is still affected by environmental factors such as extreme heat from walking on lava. This ability whilst affected by gravity is not bound to it, as the blessed is able to stand upon and traverse walls as though they were the ground and are able to run, walk and jump upon them as though they were the ground from their perspective.
  • Rabbits Foot
    • Deity: Oklamat
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed channels the luck of their deity with their aura, and allows themselves a second roll of any kind except projectiles, with the ability to take either roll of their choice.
  • Coin Toss
    • Deity: Oklamat
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: Two Turns
    • Duration: Instant
    • Range: 15m
    • Effect: The blessed takes an arune coin from their pocket and supercharges their aura to create an extremely fast, hard hitting and powerful projectile. When launched at a specific target, be it object or person, this ability follows projectile rules and the impact scales to the tier of strength of the specific target if a person. (Otherwise, one tier higher than the blesseds own strength.) This ability does blunt damage and is capable of dislocating or even breaking a bone, or denting armor depending on its severity. If aimed at the ground, this coin instead creates a large shockwave of blunt damage within 5m of its landing point, causing everyone to be knocked backwards or even on their butt if facing the opposite direction of impact. This also does the same amount of damage as the strength tier of the enemy it hits, always causing it to be a powerful strike to the victim no matter who it impacts.

Ombra: Night’s Serenity

Physical Changes: The lesser blessed will receive a mark of the moon on one of the following spots: The back, forehead, or the back of their hand. This mark glows a peaceful white and blue and often changes shape with the shape of the moon each night. Depending on the original hue of the lesser blessed, their skin will change to either a pale porcelain or an ashen in tone, both being grayscale in nature.


  • Aura of Serenity
    • Deity: Ombra
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: Two Turns
    • Duration: 10 Turns
    • Range: Self; Five Meters
    • Effect: The blessed gives off an aura of protection and calmness, causing everyone around them to feel serene. This means that everyone within five meters in any direction of the blessed has a nearly impossible time getting angry or violent. The only way that someone around the blessed may get violent around them is if their life is directly threatened. However should the blessed lose their own temper and become angry or otherwise violent, this aura will dispel until they gain it again.
  • Dagger in the Dark
    • Deity: Ombra
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: Two Turns
    • Duration: Ten Turns
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed conjures out of the shadows any weapon of their choice into their favored hand (Shields count as weaponry). The weapon is made out of solid shadows, and has all the properties of a regular steel weapon. The conjured weapon is considered holy for the purposes of it. This weapon cannot be created inside of something, and any weapons that are flung past 10m away dissipate back into shadows.
  • A Mother’s Protection
    • Deity: Ombra
    • Aura: Two
    • Cast Time: One Turn.
    • Duration: Six Turns.
    • Range: Five Meters: Touch.
    • Effects: The Blessed dashes up to five meters and grabs an individual. This will lock them both in a stasis, as a cocoon of moonlight flows over both of them. Anything harmful will bypass them, both granted absolute protection for the entirety of the duration, before finally unlocking both of them. This can be used on yourself if no targets are within range. This ability cannot be dispelled by the blessed themselves.

Sol: Solar Fury

Physical Changes: The Lesser blessed will receive a mark of the sun on one of the following spots in a vivid glowing gold: The chest, the nape of the neck, or in the palm of the hand. In addition to this, their hair is changed from whatever color it was before to a glimmering golden blonde that constantly glows and emits light. Their eyes are also changed to be golden in color and appear to be like the sun.


  • Favor of the Sun
    • Deity: Sol
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed is granted a boon by their deity, rendering them immune to all types of fire except for holy fire, lava may still affect them. The blessed is immune to any sort of illness or ailments that is caused by the sun, such as heatstroke or sunburns. The blessed are unable to be blinded and can freely stare at the sun. The blessed cannot be cursed in any way shape or form.
  • Lance of Light
    • Deity: Sol
    • Aura: Three
    • Cast Time: Three - Six Turns
    • Duration: One Turn
    • Range: Fifteen Meters
    • Effects: The blessed channels in their hands a lance made of pure, unadultured light. Over the course of 6 turns maximum, the lance grows in strength, and is capable of being casted after the 3rd emote. While capable of being held for longer, the damage it causes becomes extremely harsh to the blessed themselves. The lance travels at 5m per emote after launched.
      • 3rd Turn: The lance is strong enough to cause a small explosion of flames on impact, causing 2nd degree burns to exposed skin and leaving a large amount of heat at the point of impact that can burn those wearing armor in a 2m radius.
      • 4th Turn: The lance is strong enough to cause a small explosion of flames on impact, causing 2nd degree burns to exposed skin and leaving a large amount of heat at the point of impact that can burn those wearing armor in a 3m radius.
      • 5th Turn: Light begins to come in, blacking out all sources from all directions as the lance grows in size, and is capable of causing a large impact zone that melts armor and can even crack stone. The explosion radius is increased to a 4m radius, and metal that is on someone's person begins to burn through any inside material, fusing to their skin. The lance begins to burn the blessed as well, causing 1st and 2nd degree burns.
      • 6th Turn: At max power, the lance of light is strong enough to cleave through rock and destroy armor as if it never existed, however comes at the cost of permanent damage to the blessed's hand and arm in 3rd, even 4th degree burns. Any target standing within the 6m explosion radius are given extreme 3rd and 4th degree burns if they are armored, or if their flesh is exposed respectively. Any person hit directly by the impact without some sort of extreme conventional protection or otherwise is instantly obliterated by the otherwise heat of the very sun itself.
  • Weapons of Holy Flame
    • Deity: Sol
    • Aura: Two
    • Cast Time: Two Turns
    • Duration: Ten Turns
    • Range: Ten Meters
    • Effect: The blessed is capable of giving up to two weapons or objects and encasing them with holy fire. This holy fire will inflict second degree burns upon touch and third degree to things cursed or profane. This however comes at a cost to the weapon that it is placed upon, if they are not made out of heat resistant materials such as cindium, once the weapon has been set aflame for its sixth turn, it begins to degrade and slowly melt or burn. Through the sixth-tenth turn, it is more susceptible to breaking and at the tenth turn it will completely melt or otherwise burn away. Each turn that it is on fire increases the danger to the holder of the weapon. This is able to be dispelled early.

Sterk: Battle Born

Physical Changes: The blessed with develop metallic iron coloured veins which run atop the surface of their skin, patches of bronze like scale across the arms and torso in patterns that do not restrict movement, as well as have the mark of sterk across their abdomen.


  • The Grand Armory
    • Deity: Sterk
    • Aura: 3/2
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Instant/Ten Turns
    • Range: Up to 15m away.
    • Effect: The Blessed opens six portals to the grand armory of Sterk, bringing forth six javelins to fire toward any amount of targets (up to six) of their choosing within 15m and their line of sight. These javelins follow projectile rules and are considered holy. The blessed can also alternatively draw forth a single weapon from the armory to equip themselves with of their choice made of any rare or lower material. The weapon is considered holy and lasts for ten turns before it dissipates and returns to the armory.
  • Blooded Endurance
    • Deity: Sterk
    • Aura: 2
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Ten Turns
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed temporarily repairs their body with aura in a patchwork job, fixing and repairing all of their wounds barring lethal, and in the case of missing limbs, temporarily sealing them. For the duration, the blessed can continue as if they were fully healed, but upon ending the ability all the wounds return and continue their due process. This ability bypasses concentration, but is interrupted if the blessed is struck by any wound tier while casting it.
  • Avatar of War
    • Deity: Sterk
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed is a very avatar of their goddess, and a tool of destruction on the battlefield. They passively gain one tier of strength and speed, and gain a shield that is capable of blocking one non mundane (except aura) ability. When the shield breaks, it can be regenerated for two aura via an action

Vassas: Sanctus Infinium

Physical Changes: The blesseds hair turns a pale silvery white, and appears as if sand is constantly flowing through it like an hourglass, always falling down. There is also a faint but bright ring of white light around the iris that appears as if it is constantly rotating, and the symbol of Vassas is located upon their forehead when they cast.


  • Balancekeepers Immunity
    • Deity: Vassas
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed attains a fragment of the authority of the all-father, granting them powerful effects that are befitting of their stature at the top of the pantheonic food chain. Any abilities that wound stun, interrupt, disable or otherwise impair the blesseds casting outside of direct wounds is negated from their person. The blessed is also aware of any time-based anomalies or abilities to the exact spot within 30m of them.
  • Correction
    • Deity: Vassas
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: One Turn/Three Turns
    • Duration: Instant
    • Range: 12m
    • Effect: The blessed chooses an active ability being cast or that is being cast, and with their authority destroys the effect, effectively countering it. This can affect all aurums, and while it takes only one turn to counter abilities being casted, it takes three to destroy anything that is already active.
  • Stop the Gears
    • Deity: Vassas
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Ten Turns
    • Range: 5m
    • Effect: The Blessed is capable of stopping all time within a 5 meter radius. They find themselves and others entrapped within a small bubble of timelessness where the only ones capable of moving are the Blessed themself. Within this bubble of inert space, time only resumes when the Blessed pops the sphere either by accident or intent, or when time finally comes staggering forwards once again. If the Blessed interacts with any sentient creature within the bubble the effect immediately ends. If they exit the bubble the effect immediately ends.
      • The Loremaster must be notified of this ability’s use beforehand.

Venti: Storms Eye

Physical Changes: The mark of Venti is prevalent within the eyes of the blessed, and his tornado-like grey storms that swirl within them. Their eyes are often striped with thin grey lines that spiral out from the iris to the edges of the eyes, and glow faintly like a storm when their abilities are being casted.


  • Skylark Vagabond
    • Deity: Venti
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The Blessed as one of Venti’s chosen is granted true flight, being able to travel in all directions with only their will to dictate where they might move. The blessed however is still subject to temperature, the strength of the wind and air density, preventing them from leaving Venti’s influence and falling into space. This follows standard flight rules, and for the intents of flying, the blessed is one tier faster.
  • Cyclone
    • Deity: Venti
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Ten Turns
    • Range: 10m around the blessed
    • Effect: The blessed unleashes their aura in a furious cyclone around themselves, causing a great storm of wind and debris to form. Anyone within the cyclone has their strength reduced by one stage when they attempt to attack, and are unable to dash or use projectiles. The blessed is immune to this effect, and they can designate any number of targets to grant immunity to, at the cost of 1 aura extra per being. The cyclone moves with them and is centered on them at all times.
  • Discharge
    • Deity: Venti
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Instant
    • Range: 10m
    • Effect: The blessed unleashes a lightning fast bolt of energy into a targeted limb of a being, causing them to recieve 2nd degree burns if unarmored at the limb of impact, and 1st degree if armored. If the target is armored via metal, this ability stuns them for one turn. The discharge renders the specific limb as long as it is not the head or torso disabled for five turns. This ability is guaranteed to hit unless stopped by other forms of protection.

Vikret: Veil Walkers

Physical Changes: The blessed of Vikret have their eyes turn a vibrant royal purple in coloration as if it were a magical circle constantly rotating, and the mark of Vikret is located upon the dominant wrist of the blessed.


  • Seeker of a Thousand Miles
    • Deity: Vikret
    • Aura: N/A
    • Cast Time: Passive
    • Duration: Passive
    • Range: Self
    • Effect: The blessed are granted several abilities tuned by the goddess of knowledge to allow them better clarity in their work. For up to 24 OOC hours after an ability is cast (from an item or otherwise) or an alchemical is used, a residue is left that the blessed can investigate if they are within 20m. The blessed can learn of the aurum type or type of item used when the ability was cast, or in the case of mana aurums the exact type of aurum used and if it was profane or not. They can also tell an alchemical’s ingredients and the likely purpose of it. In addition, the blessed is granted the special gift of true sight, allowing them to see clearly in any kind of environment and the incapability of being blinded or turned away from an ability with an adverse effect to their vision. True sight also allows them to be able to detect any form of invisibility that is not artifact based.
  • Dominion Over Magic
    • Deity: Vikret
    • Aura: 3
    • Cast Time: Three Turns
    • Duration: Twelve Turns
    • Range: 15m
    • Effect: The blessed takes hold of the unlit aurum of a consenting person within range, and temporarily lights their spark for twelve turns and grants them the use of a single discipline of the blesseds choice. The user is given the mana of a novice, and their hands for the duration become a safe catalyst for the discipline. The blessed can only have one “Sparked” person at a time, and this cannot be recast on the same person while it is still going. In addition, if casted on the same person within a single stressful scenario, their mana pool remains the same despite the recast. They are only capable of using the base spells.
  • Summon Greater Familiar
    • Deity: Vikret
    • Aura: See Below.
    • Cast Time: 3 Turns
    • Duration: See Below.
    • Range: 8m.
    • Effects: The Blessed tears open the Veil, revealing briefly a gate into Thry'iseses which a creature of Vikret’s Realm will walk through. This creature may be up to Monstrous on the Danger Scale, it will follow the Blessed’s commands loyally for the duration. When the duration ends, or the creature is killed the gate to Thry'iseses will reopen and consume the creature. This gate will not allow anyone beside the creature to pass through. This creature follows combat pet rules with all tricks unlocked.
      • Passive: 1 Aura (1 ooc day)
      • Threatening: 1 Aura (12 turns)
      • Dangerous: 2 Aura (8 turns)
      • Monstrous: 3 Aura (6 turns)
Aurum Types
DivinityDemonbrandsMagecraftRunesmithingFeyspeakShamanismThe Fallen
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier