Fire Mechanics

From Aethier
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Fire is abundant among the common folk of the world as it is a source of heat, light and part of daily life.


Standard real life fire mechanics and degrees of effect.

Magical Fire


The appearance of magical flame may vary greatly upon the tastes of its caster, yet their properties remain the same. Magical Flame will always be able to touch and burn ethereal and incorporeal entities.


  • Only able to be casted by certain Mana users.
  • No hotter than mundane fire.
  • Effect dampened or entirely nullified by magical resistance or immunity.
  • Will burn ethereal and incorporeal entities.



Dragonfire is hotter than normal fire, and it’s color is a vermillion red. Dragonfire is limited directly to the dragon of Rohana, or other dragons that breathe fire similar to her.


  • Only typically able to be made by Rohana.
  • Hotter than normal fire, capable of having burn levels that would be normally induced by regular fire up by one degree.
  • Can melt through structures if concentrated on one area for a long amount of time.
  • Capable of melting Cindium after a couple turns.
  • May be put out by mundane means.



Hellfire is hotter than dragonfire and appears to be a sickly green in coloration. Hellfire is sticky and can stick to surfaces that would otherwise be spread to, causing its spreadability to be much lower than that of other types of fire.


  • Hotter than dragonfire. Only able to be made by demons and their fiends or branded.
  • Hellfire can only be put out by holy water until it has died down, then it may be put out mundanely.
  • Limited spread, Hellfire is sticky and therefore sticks to where it lands rather than naturally spreading.
  • Hurts the divine by an extra level of burn.

Holy Fire


Holy Fire is limited exclusively to the divines, more in specific, to the deity Sol. Sol is the only divine who can create holy fire, whereas Domm is capable of manipulating this fire or other fires, he cannot create it. Holy fire is a bright golden color.


  • Capable of regular degrees of natural fire, however is the hottest type of fire possible, outranging all of its predecessors.
  • Capable of rendering things to ash.
  • Extremely effective against profane and cursed entities, drastically upping the severity of the fire that would otherwise be cooler to non-profane entities.
  • Cancels out all other forms of fire.
  • Can only be put out with holy water while it is still active, but otherwise once it has died down may be put out by mundane means.

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