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[Application Only]

The life of a Gorgon is one riddled in jealousy and hatred, one known mostly for the wicked creature that lies on the very surface of its being. Rooting back to meanings such as “grim” and “dreadful,” the serpentine curse of Gorgonism breaks down one’s own moral being until they themselves become like the very venom of the viper that made them. While previously ethereal and beautiful, these cursed beings no roam only to deal out to others the innate pain they feel in themselves.

Origin of Trait

Sometime in between the exodus two thousand years ago and today, there lived a high priestess to Arvora. She was widely considered to be the most beautiful and eye-catching woman of all within the lands in which she resided. Many men were vying for her heart at any given point, though her heart belonged only to the Matriarch herself, and while this did prove to be troubling, it did not deter others from trying to gain her hand in marriage. She lived humbly, her daily life given in praise and thanks to the goddess she served with the heart of gold she held in her chest.

However, even doing everything right may still breed poor results as the Prime Evil of Lust, Nephiti, looked down to find this high priestess to be most bothersome. “How could something with the drive of a stool hold more attention than I?” she spoke in pure jealousy. “I’ll show them all that I am the most captivating in all the worlds.” The Prime Evil, without even so much as a warning, sent a sneaking viper into the bedchamber of the high priestess. It struck quick and true, digging demonic fangs into the pure woman’s neck. She tried to call out for help, but all that came was a whimper as the venom overtook her, driving her into a deep, deep sleep.

When the high priestess awoke the next morning, it was to the tap of a pebble against her window. Such musings were never new, so she got up, having completely forgotten the events of the night before. She put on a robe to cover herself and swung open her window to find whomever it was to serenade or flower her with a song or poem, though the woman was completely stunned by how the man suddenly dropped his instrument, running off with screams of a monster. When soon found by one of the other priestesses, the woman was terrified to find them, in seconds, suddenly seize up and fall to the ground petrified. In the mirror, she found her new Gorgon appearance and, with no understanding of why it came to be, she fled into hiding to become the first of the afflicted, soon driven to a life of regrets, remorse, desperation, and burning jealousy for all who once valued her beauty and all who still unfairly kept theirs.


Gorgonism is contracted through two means. First, one may be cursed by a malicious being of high power. The curse is historically dolled out only by Greater Demons, those beings jealous in nature of one’s exceptional beauty. It’s typically given out of spite and in complete secrecy, making the person change overnight via an enchanted viper’s bite. However, one Gorgon may make more through the collective bites of at least five snakes within their hair. This is most often a malicious attack and only viable against one who is completely restrained and unable to fight back- Very few, if anyone at all, would willingly give themselves in to the wretched call of Gorgonism.

Races that can contract Gorgonism:


  • Polymorphing into races not listed while having the curse is not possible.
  • To gain the curse, the person must be known to be more beautiful than others of their kind and others in the world. Due to this, many races simply won’t be given the curse as they do not fit the look of that which would drive another to turn them.

Physical Changes

Unlike other curses, Gorgonism is a trait worn directly on the sleeve of its owner, per se. From the morning after contraction until the curse is lifted or the Gorgon is slain, the bearer’s hair is that of many writhing, flailing, wicked snakes. These snakes may be of any kind with the exception of any lore snake species; the hair is most commonly filled with that of vipers over any other kind of serpent. In addition to the snakes, a Gorgon may hold scales around their forehead and temples, though this isn’t always present. However, a set of scales housing glands will always be present on the sides of the neck that take in air to allow use of their supernatural effects. These are integral to using the abilities of the Gorgon and must remain fully exposed for such.

Additionally, the conventional beauty of the being who bears the curse will be lost as they give off an unseen and nearly hidden aura of hideousness. While this is able to be remedied by non-mundanely charming others around them, the bearer’s face will always appear, quite plainly, hideous. Their eyes will become a bright green and will take on a viper’s shape with a single vertical slit. A dark “crackle” of shadowing will be present in the vicinity of the eyes, which is reminiscent of barely smeared makeup like they had been on the verge of tears. This all being said, due to these beings being made into Gorgons for their previous beauty, the facial and body structure of the Gorgon is almost always very captivating and alluring, typically being the sweetness to the bitter sight to behold atop their shoulders.

The soul of the Gorgon appears a vicious green and seems to slither about in place, almost like a flickering tongue of fire. However, it’s rather dim but not difficult to miss at all.

Mental Changes

Due to previously being a beauty to behold yet now being too horrifying to even hold a conversation with to the general public, Gorgons often begin to resent all who show or flaunt heightened beauty above others. Be it a simple baker in a shop or a royal prince or princess, the Gorgon will find it terribly difficult to grow to enjoy the presence of them so long as they are more beautiful than the Gorgon themselves. These beings are typically jealous, grudge-holding, and desperate creatures that either must find ways to believe themselves beautiful again or simply come to grips with their affliction, both of which are most definitely possible even at the very early stages of the curse. Those who accept the curse upon them may often forgo all mental changes, even going so far as to believe themselves to be the most beautiful in any room due to the power they hold.


Gorgons have no real weaknesses in terms of materials in the world, though on the other side, they are capable of crushing all stone as if it is glass. Mirrors have proven very exceptional against the Gorgon as their petrifying vision can only be effective in direct contact with the eyes, not to mention that the very sight of a mirror, should the Gorgon not accept their curse, is terrifying and startling to the Gorgon themselves.

The snake-like hair of the Gorgon must be fed and cared for regularly, at least once an OOC week. If not properly treated, they will resort to snapping out at others around them in a hostile manner, targeting other people, other snakes within the hair itself, or the one who bears the serpentine hair. They are strictly carnivorous, though may be fed any type of meal. So long as they are properly cared for, the snakes atop the Gorgon’s head are much less likely to randomly strike others near them.


  • A Gorgon may not hold any other traits/curses.
  • Gorgons are utterly unable to reproduce, partly due to their hideousness and inability to have lasting relationships with others.
  • Lore Approval is required to gain the curse or transmit the curse to another. Should the curse be attempted to be transferred to another, it requires the player's OOC consent to be turned as well. Characters may be forcibly turned ICly, but players cannot infect other players without OOC consent.
  • Capable of crushing stone objects/statues like they’re glass. This extends to any stone created by those of all aurums, though it only works on stone.
  • Including any illusions/alchemicals on them, Gorgons are always seen to be hideous to all and lose any capacity to charm others when their heads are visible.
  • Serpentine hair always consists of at least 10 snakes, though can go up to 30 depending on how accepting of the curse the Gorgon is. One who desperately does not wish for the curse would have many more snake locks while one who accepts it could have as many as they wish. These locks are incredibly quick and agile, able to snap over skin and apply a bite in the span of a single turn. They may grow up to 1 meter long at max, though most are shorter. All snake locks' width go from 1-3 inches (2.54-7.62cm) and are unable to sneak into typical plate/chain armor, including helmets.
  • Gorgons are mortal, however, while able to be incapacitated by regular wounds, they will never die unless they are beheaded. Wounds will regenerate at a rate of one tier per OOC hour. Any blood/limb lost is regenerated with the wounds and any snake locks removed will regenerate within two OOC hours. So long as there is a head attached to the torso, the Gorgon will regenerate to full health in time.
  • All Gorgons have petrifying sight, capable of making anyone around them seize up so long as there is direct eye contact. “Direct eye contact” means that the Gorgon’s eyes are not being viewed through a reflection, such as a mirror or the surface of water. Stacks of petrification are gained only once per turn and may be applied through direct eye contact or bites from the Gorgon’s snake locks.
    • 1st stack will drive the enemy to be startled by the Gorgon’s appearance. All concentration is broken for this turn.
    • 2nd stack slows the enemy by 2 tiers for this turn.
    • 3rd stack roots the enemy in place for this turn.
    • 4th stack stuns the enemy for this turn, though they may still close their eyes unless something else makes them unable to.
    • 5th stack will completely petrify the enemy, paralyzing them for the next OOC hour. Cannot be stacked further.
    • Petrification stacks fade after the stressful scenario has ended.
  • The bites from the snake hair also have petrifying effects. Each consecutive turn with bites from a snake lock on flesh will apply one stack of petrification.
  • The Gorgon’s nails hold the same supernatural petrifying effects, when wished for, and have the strength/durability of steel.
  • For any supernatural abilities to be used, the scales on the neck MUST be visible and exposed.
  • There are two forms of Gorgonism: Rejected and Accepted. The specific base type, between Reject or Accepted, must be specified on the application and it can only be changed via Lore approval.
  • Gorgons are immune the supernatural effects of other Gorgons.

Rejected Gorgonism

If not wished for and not welcomed, the curse will flourish within the being and its supernatural abilities will be more powerful. However, it will be more rampant and unable to be controlled.

  • The Gorgon suffers from the full effects of the mental changes, driving them to be horribly jealous and resentful towards those with beauty.

With a wailing screech, all stone constructs (statues, objects, etc.; not buildings, not pillars, etc.) in a 10 meter radius will shatter to sand. All objects held in hand that are even partially made of stone are dropped from the hands of those in the same radius. 5 turn cooldown.

  • The snake locks are much more likely to randomly attack others around the Gorgon and will often not obey the Gorgon.

Accepted Gorgonism

If welcomed and accepted as power of strength, not power of beauty, the curse well lessen in supernatural strength while making the Gorgon more sound of mind. They suffer none of the mental changes and have no remorse for their affliction.

  • The snake locks obey the Gorgon well, even willing to take orders given through the mind.
  • Once per combat scenario, they may apply a single petrification stack to all in a 10 meter radius regardless of eye contact or bites.

GorgonismJacobin's BaneLycanthropyRevenantsVallahismVikarus
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier