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Common is the most astoundingly universal language understood by nearly every single race in Aversia. And is, surprisingly, one of the most newly spoken ones. The native written and spoken languages of the many other races that inhabit Aethius were created as far back as their own upbringing, or the formation of civilization. Common is one of the only languages where this was not the case, being created even after empires started to be built. This leaves many wondering how Common had become the first language of many, and especially how it spread so rapidly.

As individuals formed tribes, and tribes began turning in civilizations, the many developing races started to become aware of the multiple other cultures forming around them too. All not sharing in a similar language. This made trading and agreement extremely difficult in the first stages of society growth, as finding translators was complicated and sparse. Scribes from all parts of Aversia finally managed to organize an arrangement to solve this blocking problem. The outcome- a common language all would learn to harmonize together. This language was, of course, called Common so all would never forget the intention of its creation.

Common was spread by spoken and written language so people would evenly learn both. While it did take awhile to catch on for the many races, once it had the language spread like wildfire. Children started to be taught Common over their native tongue, as it was understood by a much larger population than their traditional one. It had, however, created a gap between the nobles and the peasantry. Nobles were able to be finely taught in more than one language, and so usually always knew their native tongue above Common. The poor, on the other hand, could easily grow up knowing the most well known language and nothing else. Despite it creating this obvious gap, Common will always be considered the language that brought all into one.


Common is capable of having hundreds of varying tones and accents. Considering it is a universal language, it cannot be spoken 'wrong' by butchering it with a thick accent. After all, it was only meant for everyone to at least understand some of what others are saying to them. It can sound beautifully smooth by an Elven speaker, or terribly rough by an Orc, and usually both would know what the other was trying to say.

Peasants have been known to make an interesting variation of Common, however. Since it is often considered their first and only language, uneducated abbreviations have been slipped into the vocabulary, peculiarly forming the language's own accent which at first was not intended.

The written form of Common is considered simple in the eyes of other races, and looks to be a combination of all of them into something easy to be remembered.

Basic Phrases

  • Hello!
  • You're welcome.
  • Thank you.
  • How are you?
  • Sorry.

The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier