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The Wandering


The history of the Yusati people begins in quite the mundane fashion. The tribe of the first men were ensnared by tumultuous sand storms, causing their implementation in the desert. Settling down the banks of a river long since forgotten, the populace would hang on, having established rudimentary buildings of brick, and had taken shelter with cloth over the windows. These first people had little faith, and were said to have been starving, their crops being just enough to sustain them for the time being. Thousands of years past, and little changed. One day, a man of mystery appeared at the entrance of this still, small hamlet. Unveiling luxurious silks and other goods, this caramel man gave the group a broad grin, and showed them the basics of trading and travel. Granting them camels, showing them how to make basic canoes and vessels, this enigmatic being would fade into the sands, as a luxurious empire was created. It's capital being on the western banks of the Desert.

Many years passed, and through corruption and poor rule-ship, the empire crumpled. Leaving nothing but its small, scattered towns in its wake, the people would not have forgotten the skills granted to them. Painting the camel upon their buildings, they hoped this figure would return, yet he did not. Some say that this figure was Oklamat himself, imbuing trade and garnering followers. Other scholars are less certain, and refuse to believe this, attributing it to the old blood of the Yusati Empire. Regardless of myth, these people have returned to their roots in trade, most in hopes of rebuilding what they had lost.

Physical Description

The Yusati people are of a shorter stature than some of the other human sub-races, and are often quite thin. These men often have longer faces, with less distinguishable features than others. This race prides itself on its precision and prowess, and even finds itself less strong than other humans, though not by a margin or average large enough to matter and give one a clear advantage over the other. Their hair is often in Dark Red, Black, and Brown these being similar to the color palette of the Desert, and developed overtime to better help them survive in this environment. Their eyes are also quite unusual for humans, allowing bright oranges into the spectrum along with a more usual brown, amber, and black shades. Those with orange eyes are said to be blessed by Oklamat himself, and that they have a better sight for exploration and commerce, though this is merely a wive's tale spread by their people. These people live more decadently and are often longer lived than the average human, yet they age at a similar rate to them.

Their clothes would often be loose fitting, yet long garbs, which were made to keep out the sand of their environment, as well as prevent burning of the skin. Nobility are permitted to dress more extravagantly, being able to afford higher costing goods than the mere artisans and merchants. Peasants are often adorned in roughly fitting rags and scraps of clothing they have gathered over their time. It would be highly uncommon for a person to be punished for which clothes they wear, these being mere symbols of status, rather than of conservation.

  • Common Height:
    • Male: 5'2" - 5'8"
    • Female: 4'9" - 5'6
  • Common Build: Ectomorph, Mesomorph
  • Common Eyes: Brown, Amber, Black, Orange
  • Common Hair: Dark Red, Black, Brown
  • Common Skin Tone: Caramel, Dark Brown


The culture of Yusati bases itself heavily around the aspect of mercantile business and travel. Most of those of Yusati are part of travelling bands of merchants, which roam the lands quite freely in the surrounding areas. Their biggest trade partners being the local desert elf populations, these people would freely trade between them, yet often hold a strong disposition for the Vilo'Tae, who they see as vile abominations of nature, and nothing more than degenerate bugs. The Yusati mainly make their homes in the Desert along rivers for a steady source of water. These centers of economy would be established in small towns and hamlets, where commerce thrives between the different mercantile bands and other foreign parties. Despite this willingness and freedom to trade, they have a staunch set of religious beliefs, and often follow them before others.

The two deities which are worshiped in their culture mainly are Venti and Oklamat. Sol may sometimes also be worshiped, but this would be mainly by the traveling militants which ride alongside the merchants. These deities are depicted in either the form of a pure animal, or an anthropomorphic human. These symbols vary from group to group, but Venti is most often depicted as a vulture or some form of carrion bird, whilst Oklamat is often depicted as a camel. It is said that each beat of the bird's wings causes a sandstorm in the desert, these events either invoked to promote the faithful, or perhaps to smite those who have been less so. The Desert Thorns are viewed as a unholy domain, and most Yusati are warded away from the domain. Some even go so far as to avoid the sacred pillars, but these tend to be extremists, rather than the average.

The center of this trade society quite obviously resides around its markets, which tend to be the center point in towns and villages. These establishments often display a wide arrangement of goods, some of which might be exceedingly rare and not from Aversia in origin, whilst others are common groceries and spices. Desert trading uses the rivers for faster travel, as well as camels and other such animals to carry large amounts of goods one place to another. The tongue these men most commonly speak would be that of Common, and upon occasion Elven. The Yusati tend to use their tongues more harshly than other common speakers, and place more emphasis on consonants than others of Aversia, most specifically having very hard 'r's and 'k's.

The Yusati people tend to live quite decadently for those in the desert. They often can pay for a percentage of the wares which they would sell to themselves, and thus often eat the greens provided to them by those just outside the desert, as well as other fruits, vegetables, and spices provided by those who lived beyond the seas and even beyond Aversia. Few of these people partake in agriculture besides those who live near the riverbanks, these Yusati often producing sugars and other plants which can reside in these broad flood planes.

The societal breakdown of this culture is quite simple, most men seeing themselves as equal to one another. This patriarchal society often has its trade bands and towns led by men, who rule quite strongly over it. Beneath these leaders would be the common man and artisans, and beneath them slaves. The social pyramid of the Yusati is not very tall, as most live relatively comfortably within their burgeoning middle class.


  • Lifespan: 75-85 years on average.
  • The people of Yusat are resistant to the effects of heatstroke and sunburns. This does not make them immune however.
  • This is due to being natural borne people of the desert area. Should one act without sense, it would be easy enough for them to be hindered by these ailments.
  • The Yusati have become much more primal in their ability to detect weather anomalies, which allows them to detect thing such as sandstorms and hurricanes much earlier than others.
  • This operates similar to an animalistic 'sixth sense', where they are able to feel changes in the weather before they happen. It may be noted they are more adept at predicting such in weather systems they are far more familiar with currently.
Humans AestatianAvaltanHaneseHestarkTocoatlValoisYusati
Elves Dark ElvesForest ElvesHigh ElvesSnow Elves
Dwarves DwarvesHalflings
Halfbreeds Half ElvesHalf MerHalf Orcs
Beastmen AervansDanakovDraxgarLeoninSatyrSkraylnViloTae
Orcs OrcsGoblins
Syrien SyrienSyva-Syrien
Sylvan CentaursDryadsSinnehliv
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