Half Elves

From Aethier

The Outliers


When the first Human was made from the flesh of Fey and the hue of earth, he was faced with endless struggle. The realm of his kin's birth was one littered with atrocities. The Fey grew corrupted with every step toward their new neighbors, tainted by their sin of murder and their victim's influence over them. They warred for many years, bitter rivals, but no such feelings can last forever. Just as the Pantheon forgave the Elves over time, so did the Humans. Their daily raids slowed until they reached a completely standstill, and neither sides were particularly surprised when an alliance was offered, followed quickly by trade. The only surprise was when the Elves and Humans began to come together romantically, leading to the existence of an in-between child - a Half Elf.

Physical Description

The Half Elves are a physically fascinating race, being quite diverse in their appearance. Half Elves have defined and sharp facial features, being only slightly more rounded than their Elven parentage. Their ears are also not quite as lengthy as their Elven half, forming to a tip. The length is between that of a human and elves, but slightly more rounded due to their human lineage. Half Elves also tend to remain thinner than their human ancestry, but more bulky than their Elven one.

Half Elves may inherit certain traits from their Elven ancestry. The only Elven traits unable to be passed would be the skin tones of their Elven parentage. These have been genetically weeded out over time, being purely recessive and unable to be brought out by any means. Half Elves have adapted this way to more easily blend in with society, although traces of their color may still be found within the pigment of their skin. Ex: A Half Dark Elf is likely to have a more pale colored skin than a Half Forest Elf. The clothing of a half elf varies widely due to which society they may have found themselves in. There is little consistency with this assimilation and thus it does make it hard for scholars to pin a specific suit of clothing for the populace. It might be noted that Half Elves are more likely to be peasants than their full-blooded cousins, so they are more often then not in rags.

  • Common Heights:
    • Male: Average Height Between Mother and Father, Leaning More Towards Father
    • Female: Average Height Between Mother and Father, Leaning More Towards Mother
  • Common Build: A Blending of Both Parents. It Is Likely For Them To Be More Stocky Than Normal Elves, and Thinner Than Normal Humans
  • Common Eyes: Determined by Lineage. May be Either Elven or Human
  • Common Hair: Determined by Lineage. May be Either Elven or Human
  • Common Skin: Determined by Lineage, Though Commonly Leans More Human


Half Elves usually grow up in stationary societies which border amidst the Elven and human settlements, often coalescing in a small population between the two. There are many instances where Half Elves are shunned from both societies, seen as a sinful interbreeding that should not be able to exist. In these cases, they are cast out on their own and develop their own solitary lifestyles. Other times, they are welcomed within one or both of their parents' communities and adapt to their chosen lifestyle. All Half-Elves are naturally omnivorous, but they tend to be picky. They may choose an entirely meat-based diet or an entirely plant-based diet, but often settle in between. A Half Elf with Dark Elven blood may scavenge instead of hunt, but will still retain a relatively normal diet of nutrients.

Depending on their culture, Half Elves can live in caves, huts, or normal housing, but unless they are outcast, they are rarely grouped together as themselves. They are almost always a minority in a human or Elven society, but in the case that they are outcast and come together, a mixture of huts and normal housing are the preferred styles. Like many aspects of a Half Elf's physical composition and lifestyle, their religion is primarily chosen by their parentage and which society chooses to accept them. Depending on their parental sub-race they may choose to worship nigh any god. Some are likely to follow the goddess Foli out of spite of their own blood, though most wish to dedicate themselves to the paths of their fore-bearers.


  • Lifespan: About 250 years on average.
  • Half Elves hold mechanics from both their human and elven halves, however they are only half as potent as their full-blooded cousins.
  • Half Elves hold the lowest fertility rate of all races. It is incredibly difficult for them to reproduce.
Humans AestatianAvaltanHaneseHestarkTocoatlValoisYusati
Elves Dark ElvesForest ElvesHigh ElvesSnow Elves
Dwarves DwarvesHalflings
Halfbreeds Half ElvesHalf MerHalf Orcs
Beastmen AervansDanakovDraxgarLeoninSatyrSkraylnViloTae
Orcs OrcsGoblins
Syrien SyrienSyva-Syrien
Sylvan CentaursDryadsSinnehliv
GeographyRacesFloraFaunaStonesMetalsClothForeign Continents
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier