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Path of The Broken


Loquiti is a realm made purely out of the faults of man-kind and everything chaotic in the world. Every bad trait a man or woman could have is manifested into physical forms in this place. The visual plane of Loquiti is unknown, as it changes to everyone who enters it yet it is often described as some form of party. This realm is never consistent, in fact it thrives off of inconsistency and radical changes being forced into it.

Universal Passive

The shaman is capable of seeing in any form of darkness as if it were daylight. This includes magical, divine and natural darkness.


Spirit: Genet

Domains: Shadow, Emotion, Wind

Description: Genet is seen as a black and white swallowtail butterfly, a malicious trickster. Genet is often known to create illusions and influence others emotions. They are not inherently evil, but most definitely do not consider Genet good. Genet will tend to rest on the face of the shaman like a mask, covering their face and allowing the shaman to see through a particular part of their wings. They may be considered devious and scheming even.

Bond: The shaman is capable of creating a large fan that vaguely resembles that of Genets wings, this fan is capable of being held in one hand however upon being flayed is capable of creating a burst of wind 5x5x5 meters in size. This wind will shove everything within its area back by three meters and if a person, onto their back. This wind is also sharp and will apply minor cuts with each slash to exposed flesh, capping at moderate cuts. At bond they get one burst of wind, harmony two, and enlightenment three.

Harmony: The shaman is capable of changing another’s emotion they are looking to. The shaman can target another and alter their emotions to any sort of emotion they see fit. They can make a calm man furious, or a happy one sad. This can aid in the manipulation of others to make them more willing to do tasks, as the emotional manipulation will be unknown to most. This cannot be used to convince someone of something that goes entirely against their morals.

Enlightenment: The shaman is capable of taking on any face they wish to for the duration of their merge. They can change their body type to reflect the face they are adapting as well, as well as the sound of the voice. They can replicate this face perfectly, and can easily change between faces.

Spirit: Draknar

Domains: Shadow, Spirit, Emotion

Description: Draknar is known to take infinite shapes, as one is never quite sure what Draknar appears to look like. One common trend among all of these spirits is that they are all assumed to be made out of shadows, or at the very least engulfed by them. Draknar is best described as a living nightmare, terrorizing young and taking on the shapes of what they fear the most. For those they bond with, they take on a variety of shapes that are not necessarily what they fear.

Bond: The shaman can manipulate shadows and create beings from shadows within line of sight. They can mark a singular target with shadows and create three beings all around them that follow the target. The shaman then will dash to the target in a wave of shadows, and is able to attack the target as they trade places with the shadow beings. They can trade places three times whether or not they mark a target.

Harmony: The shaman can shock people's spirits, rendering them temporarily paralyzed for three turns. It takes two turns to shock someone's spirit, and the shaman can only shock a person's spirit once.

Enlightenment: The shaman is capable of sensing emotion passively, however can terrify everyone around them in an 8 meter radius in two turns. This causes immediate fear and can cause a multitude of reactions from those intimidated. They can use this ability once per merge, and those affected are terrified for the duration of the merge.

Spirit: Kelon

Domains: Shadow, Decay, Portal

Description: Kelon is seen as a basilisk, a legendary serpent king that is rumored to be able to cause death to anyone with a single glance. They can be seen with large wings almost like dragons, or simply none at all. A Kelon is also capable of a multitude of abilities that allow it to act on all of its malicious tendencies. Most beings who come in contact with a Kelon are immediately attacked, and being a shaman of Kelon is seen to be difficult due to this.

Bond: The shaman is able to create a basilisk made out of shadows, commanding it to do the shaman’s bidding. This creature is very large, being a meter thick and tall, but with a length of fifteen meters. It can expand its length at a rate of three meters per turn should it need to do so.

Harmony: The shaman has a toxic smog passively around them in a 3 meter radius, causing anyone within it to start coughing and become disorientated. It shrouds vision and renders it extremely difficult to see farther than a meter in front of them. Those who stay inside of the smog for longer than three emotes will start to become sick and are likely to start vomiting.

Enlightenment: The shaman is capable of creating a portal from one point to another. This portal cannot cross continents, and the shaman needs to know where the target location is to open a portal there. The portal can only fit one person at a time, but lasts for the entire merge. The portal can be closed prematurely by the shaman, and the shaman cannot create more than one portal.

Spirit Realms
Aurum Types
DivinityDemonbrandsMagecraftRunesmithingFeyspeakShamanismThe Fallen
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier