
From Aethier

Path of The Patron


Atlgua is a realm of infinite water, deeper than the tallest mountain in our world and the lowest point combined. Many Spirits in this realm are more docile than others, due to the calm nature of such an ocean. Exploration and playful tricks fill it, and even without light in its deepest recesses creatures roam and retain their peaceful composure. A serene pool full of nothing but silence and life..a perfect realm for aquatic beings.

Universal Passive

The shaman is capable of breathing underwater as though it were air as well as see in it with perfect clarity. The shaman is also able to swim more easily beneath the waves.


Spirit: Coare

Domains: Water, Healing, Animals

Description: A coraline seahorse, Coare can be found in all colorations of the rainbow. Coare are playful, kind and easy going. They are capable of shifting color and shape to a degree as they wisk about through the ocean peacefully. Most creatures ignore Coare due to its passive and kind nature, and so Coare obliges and does the same. Coare will bond with shaman who are passive and easy going, often liking a shaman who is kind and capable of having fun in any situation. One might even call them bubbly!

Bond: The shaman creates large bubbles of water that are capable of a multitude of things. The shaman is capable of surrounding a target within ten meters of the shaman, stunning them for a turn. This will also cause the target to become wet, slowing their movement by a tier for the rest of the scenario until they can dry themselves off. This cannot stun them again once it’s been cast on a target for the merge. The shaman can also throw these bubbles of water, following projectile rules, in order to cause damage, creating moderate bludgeoning damage upon hit, regardless of protection. This will also cause the target to become wet, slowing their movement by a tier for the rest of the scenario until they can dry themselves off. The shaman can throw all the bubbles at once or individually. The shaman can create two bubbles at bond, four at harmony and six at enlightenment.

Harmony: The shaman turns their very hands into running water, placing them over any person and healing them completely up to severe tiered wounds. This will additionally save someone from death by lowering their lethal wound to severe, but it will not fully heal that wound. It takes three turns for someone to heal their wounds as long as constant contact is made with the hands, on turn one moderate and below will be healed and on turn two severe will be healed. On turn three, Lethal wounds will be reduced to severe however this wound will no longer go down. The shaman can do this as many times as they want to others or even themselves, however it will follow standard supernatural healing rules. Supernatural healing rules will take effect after the merge has ended.

Enlightenment: The shamans lower body turns into that of a seahorse, allowing them to move with two additional tiers of speed. This will let them move through the air as if it were water, capable of hovering up to five meters off the ground. The shaman is capable of dashing forwards by eight meters with their newly acquired fins akin to a seahorse, causing rain to fall from where they dashed through. This can only be done in a straight line, and the rain will cause mild bludgeoning damage to everyone within its path. They are capable of dashing like this four times during their merge. In addition, sea animals are naturally more kind and passive to the shaman. The shaman possesses the ability to talk to sea animals freely, as well as to breathe underwater in order to speak with them. Sea animals that are naturally aggressive are no longer so, and instead passively swim by or talk with the shaman if conversation is initiated.

Spirit: Galga

Domains: Water, Portals, Ice

Description: Galga is a mysterious spirit as their form has never been definitive. They are able to take any shape they want, be it geometrical shapes, or shapes of other animals, but they will always be made out of water. It is rare that they hold a particular shape for too long, constantly needing to change. Galga is adaptable and even pensive, wondering why it is that they must constantly alter their own shape, something they see as both a gift and a curse. Galga are most likely to bond with shaman who tend to worry about themselves and their own image, taking an attachment with those who have a lower sense of self. In addition they also wish for their shaman to try to change constantly, regardless if they like the form they’re in, though this is often imposed onto the shaman by the spirit if it wasn’t already present in their personality upon bonding.

Bond: The shaman can create a water spout that encompases a three meter AoE, creating it within fifteen meters. This water spout is capable of dealing moderate bludgeoning damage as well as knocking back everything in its AoE upwards and away from the shaman by five meters. This will cause them to have at least mild damage from the fall, however depending on what they land on the damage may be more. This spout lasts for three turns and prevents things from moving in and out of it after cast. The shaman has two spouts at bond, three at harmony and four at enlightenment.

Harmony: The shaman is capable of creating a set of portals in one full turn that redirects any projectile or non-melee attack back towards the original caster. In addition they can use this portal to teleport anywhere within line of sight, but they must forgo its use for deflecting projectiles, meaning they will only have the other remaining uses to potentially use as a redirection. This portal can only fit the shaman or one person of their choice through it. This can be done four times at harmony and six times at enlightenment.

Enlightenment: The shamans form is passively encased purely in ice, essentially merging one with it. This grants them resistance to slashing and piercing damage, however makes them vulnerable to blunt damage and fire based damages. Should they get struck violently in this form with a hammer or other blunt weapon they may possibly shatter. The water that they shoot from their bond ability may instead be shot out as ice, hosting the same effects however dealing second degree frostbite and moderate piercing damage instead of the damage from the water. In addition, twice per merge, the shaman is capable of targeting a person within fifteen meters to encase them entirely in ice, stunning them. This will also slow them by a speed tier for the rest of the merge. This cannot stun the same person more than once per merge.

Spirit: Veiter

Domains: Water, Storms, Shadow

Description: Veiter is a strange looking sea creature, a mix between an angler fish and an electric eel. It has a long, stretchy body and a terrifying mouth, luring things closer to it with its shiny lure in order to feast on it. It’s known to be an ambush predator, enveloping itself in shadows as it stalks its prey. The Veiter tends to bond with shaman who are more on the reserved side, yet always appreciate their shaman to be ferocious when it comes to the heat of the moment.

Bond: The shaman is capable of creating two large tendrils out of their arms that work similar to whips. They have a range of five meters and are capable of acting as extensions of the shaman's arm. Upon contact with another, it will deal at least moderate bludgeoning damage as well as slow the target by one tier due to them becoming enveloped in water. Upon being hit by one of these tendril arms, the target is pushed in the direction of the hit by three meters. At harmony the target is moved five meters and at enlightenment the target is moved eight meters. This will stack to two tiers of speed loss if hit multiple times on the same target. These will last for the entirety of the merge and take one turn to summon.

Harmony: The shaman is capable of shocking people upon touch, granting them second degree electrical burns upon contact and stunning them for one turn. This touch can be with contact of a weapon the shaman is holding or the shaman's physical body. This takes a turn to activate, however it can be activated through the shamans bond ability by making contact with the tendril. They cannot stun the same target more than once but will still apply damage. They can do this three times at harmony and six at enlightenment.

Enlightenment: The shaman can envelop themselves in shadows, disappearing from sight for the duration of their merge. They can move distances just like normal with this active, however are capable of moving like a shadow. Should a shadow be able to traverse through it, for instance under the crack of a door, then the shaman will be able to as well, their body molding like a shadow. This takes a turn to activate to turn into a shadow and can last all merge however they may not attack whilst in shadow form. They can switch in/out of shadow form twice per merge. In addition to this, the shaman is capable of taking a turn in order to grasp onto another person's shadow as long as they are within fifteen meters, pulling them in any direction by five meters. This makes it so that the target cannot take movement actions. The shaman can only hold onto someone else's shadow for three turns, and they may activate this ability three times. The shamans bond merge is also enveloped with shadows, giving it an extra range of eight meters total from five.

Spirit: Homarimi

Domains: Water, Emotion, Earth

Description: Homarimi is a spirit that is depicted as a lobster, often hiding itself underneath the soil of the ocean and peeking its head out once it feels that someone is worthy of its presence. Homarimi is known for helping others take control of their emotions. They tend to be very relaxed, as it takes something or someone who shows great promise to prompt them into action for others. Homarimi tends to bond with shaman who are shy, even-tempered and relaxed, encouraging them to help others calm down and become as lax as they are.

Bond: The shaman is capable of creating an AoE of five meters within fifteen meters of where they stand, making a large amount of mud in that area. With this they will root everyone inside for three turns, however they can then push everyone caught within the AoE in any direction by five meters per each turn of the root. This ability will last for three turns, and on the last turn of the root, the mud will force itself around the targets and encase them with a large hit of mud, similar to a strong wave. This will knock them prone and require them to take their next action to get up, however it will also do moderate bludgeoning damage over their person.

Harmony: The shaman is capable of creating bubbles of water that will envelop around targets, requiring a turn to activate. This will cause those who are enveloped by this bubble to move freely, but it will prevent them from acting aggressive as they are forced to be calm and relaxed just like the Homarimi spirit. This will not prevent the targets from making actions, though they will not be able to attack others unless provoked after the bubble has taken place. This water bubble will not prevent the target from breathing. They will be able to attack in order to defend themselves. This bubble will last for the entirety of the merge or until someone not the target or the shaman hits the bubble or the target inside the bubble twice. The shaman can make three bubbles at harmony and six at enlightenment. Should the shaman wish, upon initially sending a bubble around someone, they are capable of stunning them for that turn by making the water too dense to be able to move in. They cannot stun the same target this way more than once per stressful scenario.

Enlightenment: Passively the shaman grants chitin made out of water around their form, giving them resistance to piercing and slashing damage but vulnerable to blunt. They also receive water claws similar to a lobsters that are capable of piercing through armor and afflicting a moderate wound upon closing their own hand around the area. The shaman is capable of creating a large wave of water in one turn, three meters tall, five meters wide and one meter thick. This will move at five meters a turn for up to fifteen meters, lasting for three turns. This will cause moderate blunt damage and force people prone, making them take their next action to stand up. In addition this will soak them, reducing their speed by one tier. Whilst it throws them prone, it also pushes them backwards and forces them to remain in the wave. If they don't manage to move out of the wave on the second turn they will receive severe blunt damage. The shaman can create three of these waves.

Spirit Realms
Aurum Types
DivinityDemonbrandsMagecraftRunesmithingFeyspeakShamanismThe Fallen
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier