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The Airborne
Motto: "The best way to defeat an enemy is to do something it never expects."
Colors: Butter Yellow, Stormcloud White
Domain: Air, Direction, Improvisation

The winds throughout the world are unpredictable yet always with clear direction, they are powerful yet soft, and they are often unnoticeable but all too easy to recognize all at the same time. This is the same for the Airborne, Orono, who follows and teaches the doctrine of doing what one wishes and acting through one’s heart. Orono is seen as opposing Thairr, and this is simply the Earthborne is utterly set in stone, so to say. Orono, on the other hand, is always shifting, molding, and changing, and not necessarily for different scenarios and situations, but simply because it is his wish to.


As far as origins go, Orono is another old one, but not the oldest. With Aaog’s power declining and the world cooling, the planet became more solid in structure, and appropriate for winds and solid earth to form. Orono symbolizes wind, and when the first light breeze passed through the cooling lands, most tales describe a massive singular gust of wind that spiraled the globe as Orono was born, followed by the much more brooding and adamant awakening of the ground below as Thairr came into being. It is also said that this massive gust was the reason Thairr awoke in the first place. Regardless, much like Aaog, Orono did not find purpose or reason until the coming of the youngest Vaya Lord, and often he roamed freely and wildly through the barren landscape. When life did come around, he was there for the earliest forms of life, being their ‘primal’, or gut instinct, but he found true purpose in working with the other Vaya when sentient life rolled around to attempt to bond with these elements. Much like the early forms of life, he would guide those in need.

Orono's Doctrine

  • Always do what is within your heart, even if it seems strange to others.
  • Live on improvisation. Do what must be done now, and enjoy thinking of what should be done seconds later.

Plane of Origin


An everlasting cloud, stretching an unfathomable distance both horizontally and vertically. Nothing in this realm sits still, though it is not inherently chaotic - merely unpredictable in nature. The spirits swirl and rampage, playing and exploring every inch of sky the near infinite realm has to offer. The winds are so strong, it is said that people without wings could even fly there by merely using their arms for direction!


Primordial Titan



Titan of Air


Named partly of the very world she’s made to encompass, Aethecias is a mystical wisp of air bolting throughout the skies at any given time. Her most favorite form is that of lightning, traveling at a speed quicker than any of the Titans with the ability to take such a volatile form. She’s an eccentric being, also enjoying physical forms that are like a female human, though she will often appear to make an unnatural appearance, whether it means being three or more times the normal size, exceedingly small, or with any number of extra or lesser limbs. In reality, Aethecias simply acts in favor of her creator’s doctrine and often loves to improvise the mortal form just for her own careless enjoyment.

Relations with Mortals

She is a very giddy individual, often found to be restless and like a ball of lightning. Due to this, she often frightens mortals at first, but her seemingly harmless attitude is what relaxes those she appears before. Only the most undeserving, the most astray shamans will ever know her true wrath, and what a horrifyingly electric wrath it is.

Relations with the Vaya

Aethecias is a bit difficult to find amongst the Titans, often found traveling at top speeds through every plane and seeking out all of her fellow Primordials. That being said, she’s also too easy to find at the same time as she pops up around the planes wherever she wishes, sometimes with poor timing. While spontaneous in her movements, Aethecias never impedes the work of her fellow Titans and is swiftly dutiful when tasked by her creator. None, not even the Vaya may doubt her dedication to Orono and the great power she wields, whenever it may be required to be harnessed.

The Vaya Lords
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier