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Born from Stardust


The Leonin have an ancient past along with many of the other races of the realm. Theirs however is not of this world, or this is what the clerics of the Leonin tribes believe. Early in the first great morning, the suns blazing over the ever-expanse of the great multiverse, Sol looked over his domain, spotting his most prevalent and brightest star was dying. Saddened by this, and not wishing for the dust to succumb to the dark of his proud warrior, Sol took the dust within his hands, and blew it over the Provinces of Aversia. Creating the savannah of golden grass from his breath, and the first of the Leonin, a proud figure referred to in their tongue as 'Simgonya' or 'Birthed of Light'. The proud humanoid lion figure traversed the realm of man in seclusion, bringing light to the dark. It is said his fur was so golden it allowed few shadows to hide, causing creatures of the night to flee in despair, to run and hide from his might. The hunter put those who traversed the night to shame, as his might easily overpowered those who tried to hide. Ombra could not allow such a creature, and thus the goddess decided to spite Sol. Bargaining with the god of death, Ombra had given the man mortality, making him unable to stay within the realm forever.

With his dying breath, Simgonya once more birthed life into other beings. Making figures of clay and long grass, Simgonya spent each day of his remaining life to form these totems, erecting them tall into these grassy plains. Sol recognizing this once more spread his light among these, creating the first Leonin, one for each hour in the day. Holding fragments of recollections of his past, these Leonin passed down tales of his might into the future and through the tribe lands. It is said that when a male Leonin has his Simgonya Vision, it is required of him to challenge the current leader in a test of strength.

Of course, scholars of the Empire have come to view this as farce, and see the birth of the Leonin people entirely different. Having been birthed from the savannah and looking very similar to the lions of the area in most cases, they are thought to be a sentient evolution of the lion. In this belittlement of their culture the two sides come to blows most often. Through this diversity no solid conclusion of the race's birth has been formulated, however there seem to be hints that both of these rumors could hold true.

Physical Description

Leonin are lion-like humanoids which were birthed from the savannahs. Both male and females have thick fur which cover their bodies in varying shades. Around the neck and head of a male Leonin, is what some consider the 'mane' or 'sun's crest'. This is found on most non-runt male Leonin. It is said that the bigger the mane, the more blessed the male is by the first, Simgonya. Women Leonin however lack the man entirely. All Leonin have retractable claws on their hands, with thick claws which always extend from their padded feet. They do not require shoes like many other races in most cases, and are able to grip and move much better with bare feet. Leonin have jaws and facial structures like that of a Lion more than a human, yet are meant to stand entirely upright.

Leonin clad themselves in loose and light fabrics to shield the sun from their fur in order to not be burned. These are often vibrant in color, though the more vibrant and unnatural the color, the more it is viewed as a symbol of status. In this way, Pride Leaders are commonly seen in purples or blues adorned with gold and bronze embellishments. Sunstones also hold cultural significance, and a small susntone bead is gifted to the Pride Leader's son upon his death. Leonin do posses enough talent to make padded and metal armors, however it is unlikely for them to do so most times. Scarring is viewed as symbolic and important, the more aged and learned a Leonin is, the more scars they hold.

  • Common Height:
    • Male: 5'8" - 6'4"
    • Female: 5'6" - 6'2"
  • Common Build: Mesomorph, Endomorph
  • Common Eyes: Browns, Silvers, Golds, Olives, Blues
  • Common Fur: Golden, Brown, White, Black, Mahogany


Scholars of the Empire have noted the culture of the Leonin as being 'simple', however this could not be farther from the truth. Leonin have a social hierarchy, and many of the facets and portions of other humanoid societies. Leonin are a strong and proud race, although in the grand scheme of things are rather new. Their most common places of inhabitance are the savannah near the southern Desert region of Aversia. They can be found elsewhere with alterations and adaptations to their location, however are found far more sparingly in these cases. Leonin are firstly considered a proud race of humanoid, surpassing that of most elves even. Leonin are steeped in tradition, and often refuse to appropriate to other cultures which surround them.

Religion and superstition are deeply found within the Leonin of the realm. Most worshiping the god of the sun as their figure, they have come to view the world, the light, and the warmth with great reverence and respect. The Leonin live a minimalist lifestyle, being sure to take not more than they need, and to promote the balance of the savannah. One main tradition is what some call the 'pyre' and is done once and the beginning and end of each summer. Large straw figures of the earliest Leonin are erected, 24 in number. Assembling each into a large circle, and burning them as the sun begins to set. It is said that should the fires last through the night and remain controlled that good fortune will remain with the Leonin Pride throughout the year.

Leonin are established into large conglomerates called 'Prides'. Being a Patriarchy in terms of ruleship, the Pride Leader, or 'Simheli', is passed down hereditarily by nature, some families having stayed in power for a many centuries. Yet, it is not required, and strength is greatly respected amongst these people. If a leader is to grow weak, the lesser Leonin of the tribe are to challenge their leader to try and take their spot on the rock. Women also hold a role in leadership however. The mate of the Pride Leader is the spiritual leader of the tribe or the 'Simshayeli'. Using almost occult-like prayer, the 'Simshayeli' are said to be granted powers by the sun which allow them to commune with the ancestors who are not currently within the tribe. The Simshayeli and Simheli are both often adorned in fine garbs with rudimentary sunstone embellishments. It is common for them to have large chains of gold or bronze alongside these, similar in color palette to the savannahs they are born from.

An important theme which runs among Leonin culture is that of rebirth. Those who seek to live enlightened lives within their tribe, and being benevolent to their people are said to return to the stars, only to come down and inhabit the realm once more they are needed. It is the job of the Simshayeli, or the 'Caller' to carry out funeral rites among the dead. The most respectful funerals are said to be where a large bundling of wood and brush is gathered beneath the body, and they are sent to turn to ash, just as Simgonya had in his many reincarnations.

Leonin Prides do not hold the same hierarchy as many other humanoid species do. Artisans are held in lesser importance than military men, since the Leonin are not renowned jewelers or craftsman. They are able to produce weapons and armor like other races, but do not hold the skill or accuracy as other races do. Most prides do however have similar weapons and armors. Having thick furs, and usually being prevented from wearing a great deal of armor due to lack of resources and the dire heat, Leonin weapons are more profoundly known for cutting. Having more curved blades and axes, they are more commonly seen using these weapons to fight.

Not every Leonin is blessed with being a strong warrior however. Sometimes, and more commonly on the New Moon, a newborn is made that is the 'runt'. These runts tend to be more spry, more mobile, but certainly less bulky than their common Leonin brethren. If they are able to survive early childhood, their lifespan is equivalent to that of the rest of the Leonin, however during those early years, they are more susceptible to disease and being bullied and preyed upon by others. These runts can be outcast, disowned, and are most commonly seen to have bad blood, or be disgraces within their family. They are considered 'moon-tainted' by their common Pride. These shorter, thinner Leonin often take up the jobs of thieves or travelling merchants and worship the Mother Moon who set them on a different path in life.

Leonin are strictly carnivores, and usually are seen hunting bigger game within the savannahs. Unlike what most human scholars believe, they utilize fires to cook their food, and can be seen uttering prayers to the fire to clean disease and to promote strength within their families and pride.

Leonin do have their own language, called Sulimi, which is spoken through almost growls and harsh words and tones. Leonin use roaring to scare other lesser creatures away from them. Other races are able to speak this language, but to less effect. Written forms of Sulimi are rare, and are most comparable to pictographs, words being formed from shapes and depictions of objects to describe them.


  • Lifespan: 55 years old on average.
  • The build of the Leonin is meant for them to walk entirely upright, being on all fours causes a major disadvantage to their speed and agility. The strength of the Leonin is said to rival that of an orc, yet they are said to be not as fast, nor quite as agile as the elf.
  • Leonin are by no means able to do as precise work with their hands like the other humanoid races are. Their four fingers are rather stocky and broad, and are not able to bend as well as the other races. They do have a thumb for added stability though. From each finger tip, thick and sharp claws are able to be extended. Although they are furred like a lion's paw, they are much more similar to a human hand in structure and shape.
  • Leonin have heightened night vision, and are able to see easily during the moonlight. They cannot however see very well in pitch-black settings such as caves or other such times.
  • Leonin have heightened senses, being able to smell, taste, and hear better than other races.
  • Leonin are somewhat adaptable compared to some other races. Some Leonin can be find across the world in various climates, however alterations to their fur and amount of it are made. It is unlikely for a Leonin to be comfortable moving climates however, as many Leonin stay in the climate they are born in most of their lives.
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