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Golemancy may seem simple at face value, however, there is much to golems one should know when or even before delving into such magics. Golems may appear however the golemancer wishes. Be it a faceless humanoid, canine, living clock, etc as long as it has a core that can support its size. Mages and Runesmiths are not limited on the amount of golems they can make, so long as they have the proper supplies and disciplines.


Golem cores come in varying sizes and many forms. Be it a golem the size of an adult man that can carry out simple tasks, to a giant sized golem that can crush a golemancer’s foes. However, the larger the core, the more expensive it will be to create.


  • One Arcamite
  • Can create Golems up to a meter tall.
  • Standardly, these golems have: Strength Tier 3, Speed Tier 5


  • Two Arcamite
  • Can create Golems up to two meters tall.
  • Standardly, these golems have: Strength Tier 4, Speed Tier 4


  • Four Arcamite
  • Can create Golems up to four meters tall.
  • Standardly, these golems have: Strength Tier 5, Speed Tier 3

A golem is capable of deriving off of the standard speed and strength tier if there is a good reason to do so and it balances out with one another. This requires an application in the Magic Applications section.

Larger golems may be created, however, the material cost will be up to LT discretion. A custom golem size will need to be applied for in Applications.


The functions of a golem are simple. Golems which do not host souls, cannot sustain sentience. Golems may be given simple tasks such as fetch, attack, return, etc. Golems may not be given complex tasks or orders as they simply lack the mental capability, this includes combat tactics, crafting, diplomacy, etc.

Should a golem core be imbued with a soul via Necromancy, Divine Ability, etc. that golem will obtain human level sentience and will require a player character + NSCA. Gargoyle hearts are also known to host proxy souls within them. When used as a core for a golem, they too will grant sentience.


  • All golems are capable of having four tricks that they can be commanded by in the combat pet rule system. Enchanting the golem with an ability will take up one trick slot.
  • When creating a Golem, they can be enchanted with an ability based on the discipline. Golems may only have one ability enchanted onto them, and they may use this ability once without cost per stressful situation unless a mage funnels liquid mana into them in order to cast the ability again.
    • The liquid mana cost of the ability is dependent upon the mana cost of the spell. 100 ML of liquid mana is required to be fed to the Golem per mana point cost of the ability. (A spell of 3 mana needs 300 ML of liquid mana).
      • Pouring liquid mana into a Golem requires a range of 1 meter and takes 1 turn action to do.
    • All Golems have an internal liquid mana capacity of 500 ML that they can hold ahead of time to be used at a point of the mage's choosing.
    • Golems that are enchanted with profane abilities will have their profane stacks applied to the creator of the golem when the abilities are used.
  • Sentience counts as an ability within itself. Sentient golems cannot have special abilities.

More information on golems can be found HERE.


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