
From Aethier

Tree (Fungal)




These gigantic mushrooms can grow up to ten meters tall but are most often found around 1-2 feet in height. Their caps have a wide diameter of about double the mushroom’s height and are varying shades of purple colors. The outer membrane of the fungus is thick and akin to leather, while the mushroom stalk itself is nearly impenetrable due to the immense amount of proteins sustained within it keeping the mushroom standing tall. The stalks of the mushrooms tend to be paler in color, more gray and white than purple, and are about one meter thick.

The underside of the mushroom cap is coated in thousands of thin fiber-like hairs that extend from the mushroom similarly to those of a Venus fly trap. If these hairs are disturbed, the mushroom cap will begin to close like an umbrella, trapping and crushing any possible predators to death before withdrawing through the top of the stalk. The full closing process takes two minutes at most [3 emotes], and as a result, only the most skilled of herbalists are able to successfully remove a Braincap’s topping from its powerful stalk before it closes. A closed Braincap cannot be harvested as a retreated mushroom cap is unable to be feasibly reached.


Braincaps are only found in the fungal biome and cannot grow in any other soil or atmosphere. As a result, they are considered to be rare.


When a magical entity dies in the fungal biome, there is a chance for Braincap to develop and grow from the brain matter of the deceased being, feeding off of the magical energy left behind in the corpse combined with the brain matter itself. The more powerful of a magical entity the deceased creature was in life, the larger the Braincap will be that grows from it.

Material Properties

  • None

Alchemical Properties

  • If harvested correctly, the spores of a Braincap can be used to create a sort of camouflage scent which can temporarily render any fungal creature non-hostile to the wearer.
  • Braincap tops are exclusively sought after by any and all in fear of mental meddling techniques, including Mana aurums and Shakti aurums. Braincap possesses the unique capability of temporarily blocking non-divine mind manipulation and hallucination spells when ground into a moldy paste and ingested as a drink in alchemy.
GeographyRacesFloraFaunaStonesMetalsClothForeign Continents
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier