Bru'Tag Skin

From Aethier
Rarity: Rare.
Origin: Skin of a Bru'Tag treated to be wearable.
Color: Dark red or onyx black.
Texture: Fleshy, leathery, and tough.
Common Uses: Armor.


The use of Bru'Tag skin for armor has been a considerable debate for tsels. Due to the substantially humanoid appearance Bru'Tag possess compared to most other creatures in the wild, Bru'Tags are sometimes regarded as people. As a result, many are against the hunting and skinning of Bru'Tag for the use of their skin in armor, while others regard Bru'Tags as animals due to their low mental capacity and have no issue with killing them.


  • Bru'Tag skin is a great material for armor as it has the capability of chainmail with the light weight of leather.
  • Bru'Tag skin reduces the impact of physical attacks by one strength tier.
    • This does not stack with other similar or identical effects.

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