From Aethier
Since the first formations of mountains were created by Domm's sturdy hand, Celedium has remained near the bottom of it's massive slopes. Celedium is a combination of silver and gold that have been created deeper beneath the surface than regular silver has, and has undergone a variety of massive changes due to it's depth and location within the world. Over the centuries, Celedium has molded a glossy sheen, seeming to have a pale gray aura around itself that casts no light, nor reduces it. It is considered to display the duality of Sol and Ombra, smiting the wicked but also showing the beauty of the stars above.
Near Black, with a Faint Glitters of Golds and Silvers.
- Malleability: Average.
- Magnetic: No.
- Conductivity of Heat: Average.
- Primary Uses: Weapons, Ornamentation, Jewelry, etc.
- Celedium is effective against Undead (both ethereal and flesh), as well as Lycanthropes, Vallah and Vikarus. Celedium is the most effective metal at handling these, causing terrible burns on contact with these opponents and being generally adverse to the Profane or Cursed.
- Celedium is able to touch incorporeals and ethereals in all forms.
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