Chroma Zakra

From Aethier

Elegant in nature, graceful in composition, such beings known as Chroma Zakra take shape within the vivid coral reefs surrounding many exotic islands. Originally, the chosen name was coined from the many indigenous tribes of the Belinardian isles, collectively known as the Tocoatl. It was only until Aversian sailors also came upon such a sea creature, that a new term was developed between the two people. Respecting their ancient customs, a combination of both languages coined the term ‘Chroma Zakra’. Despite so, many Aversian fishermen often coin the animal ‘Chroma Octopus’, due to easier pronunciation in general.

Chroma Zakra are found in a majority of sizes, each different to the last of its kin. Nonetheless, most average around 20 feet in length, weighing 60 kg in mass.

Prominently known for their wide abundance of natural colors, these sea creatures are found in a plethora of different hues, capable of changing color in a moments notice. These colors typically range from the entire spectrum available to the naked eye. Such a skill is developed from the unique, pigmented ink found in thousands of cells within their upper layer of skin. Due to several odd properties found within its make-up, this pigmented substance is capable of actively changing color based on the primitive feelings of its hosts- hence the octopus often coloring itself in a crimson red during times of particular distress.

Despite not being a deadly animal, Chroma Zakra are carnivorous in nature, wrapping their suctioning tentacles around small prey- which range from a variety of small fishes. Although, when encountering larger predators, they often secrete an inky substance which stems directly from their skin- hence turning them a pale, milky shade of white in its absence. Curiously, such ink often continues to form abstract, colorful shapes whilst in the water, where it stuns their incoming predator for just enough seconds to form an impromptu escape.


Chroma Zakra only live for up to 4 years, although, it only takes a pair of these octopuses to sustain their population, the female laying up to tens of thousands of eggs. As such, these marine animals are typically common within the coral reefs they inhabit. It should be noted that these creatures partake in a rather odd mating procedure. Males, being slightly smaller than their female counterparts, are often killed shortly after reproducing. This is actually by the female, who dine upon their unfortunate partner as a source of sustenance.


Living in relatively shallow waters, Chroma Zakra are typically located in coastal, tropical regions, where it is unheard of them to roam elsewhere. Often, they employ their camouflage within the many coral reefs, beautifully blending in to environment in order to catch a wide abundance of their food. Unless it is a female protecting her eggs, they rarely ever choose to stay in a specific spot.


These creatures are entirely carnivorous, eating an array of small sea-organisms. These range from small crabs, scallops, snails, turtles, smaller fishes and even other octopuses. Females will uniquely feast upon their mate post reproduction, especially when hungry.


Chroma Zakra have a natural flee instinct when coming into contact with predators or otherwise foreign entities. As such, they utilize their colorful ink to otherwise distract their enemy, allowing them to escape elsewhere within the vivid coral reefs. When running is no longer an option however, they are not afraid to retaliate, dragging in preying animals with their tentacles, before suffocating them after a brief struggle. Aside from survival, these marine creatures glide through the open waters independently, until met with fate.


  • Capable of camouflaging themselves in order to match the environment.
  • Found in a plethora of different hues, their chosen color matching their current state of feeling. For an example, being a striking crimson during times of distress.
  • Long tentacles, each with suctioning cups, allowing them to drag helpless prey.
  • When fleeing, may disperse ink suddenly, providing a suitable distraction. Consequently, this leaves them a pale, white color until they regenerate the lost ink.

Material Properties

  • The suckers found on each tentacle have a slick, gel like substance, allowing them to stick slightly to walls.
  • The flesh has a unique, sweet-salt taste, an exotic ingredient for aspiring chefs.

Alchemical Properties

  • When the ink is injected into water, it is capable of forming gaseous, rudimentary shapes which relay the feelings of the last user it came into contact with. When refined, the ink can also relay thoughts into basic images. This only works in water, where it disperses after a several seconds.

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