Rarity: Legendary.
Origin: True to its name, Cloudcloth is obtained by placing silk into a container and traveling up to one of the floating islands during a storm. While the storm is ongoing, a portion of "cloud" must be "caught" in the container and sealed in with the silk. It is then left to settle for 1 tsel, after which the material within will be transformed into Cloudcloth.
Color: Translucent, white, light blue, or grey. Can be dyed.
Texture: Very light, soft, and fluffy.
Common Uses: Cloaks, coats, other clothing/attire.
The first person to discover Cloudcloth was actually a young Aervan. When asked about where they got the material, the child had a difficult time explaining it. Many tried and failed to replicate the fabric until finally, someone managed to figure it out.
- Cloudcloth cannot be worn with any other form of armor, chitin, hide, etc. in order for its special property to work.
- Cloudcloth grants the wearer the ability to fly at a rate of up to 3 meters per turn.