Crystal Bonsai

From Aethier

Tree (Crystal)




The Crystal Bonsai is an elegant tree that juts out at odd angles as a result of its unique composition. The trunk of the tree is made up of large crystals that appear to grow off of one another. These crystals are pointed upwards and tilted at varying angles, giving the trunk of the tree a zig-zag-like appearance. At the corners where trunk crystals are conjoined, a cluster of smaller, more colorful crystals will tend to form around the edges, making the tree appear to have small bundles of flowers or leaves when examined from a distance. Up close, the reflective shine of the crystalline structure clearly differentiates the Crystal Bonsai from other trees of biomatter.

Crystal Bonsai trees have a lot of variety in both their coloring and size. Some of the smaller Bonsais are closer to one foot in height, while the largest can grow up to four meters tall. The color scheme of a Crystal Bonsai is entirely dependent upon the colors of other crystals in the surrounding environment, absorbing the light that nearby crystals reflect. As a result of this, Crystal Bonsais are the opposite color of their immediate surroundings.

The unique ability of these trees to absorb things despite their hardened and glossy texture stems beyond coloring and light. Crystal Bonsai trees also tend to absorb lightning and static during thunderstorms, making them ideal places for Thunderbirds to settle and nest. The electricity absorbed by Crystal Bonsais will linger in the tree for up to [3 OOC days] after a thunderstorm. If a Crystal Bonsai tree is charged from a thunder/lightning storm and is touched without protective gear, the victim will suffer second degree shock burns to their flesh in a branching fashion, indicating the path that the electrical impulse traveled when entering the body. After the initial shock in which the electricity is released from the area, the tree will be rendered mundane. Exceptions to this would of course be during an ongoing thunder/lightning storm.


Crystal Bonsais originate in the crystal biome, but are sometimes harvested and taken elsewhere for decoration. They are incapable of growing anywhere but in the crystal biome, and are considered to be rare.


Crystal Bonsais form from a crystal or chunk of lightning glass that becomes overcharged with electricity, either from a single severe thunderstorm or frequent smaller ones. Once the bottommost crystal becomes charged, it will continue to slowly grow and shift over time until forming into a fully matured Crystal Bonsai tree. On average, it takes about [1 OOC month] for a Crystal Bonsai to grow to full size.

Material Properties

  • Smaller Crystal Bonsai trees make lovely house decorations as they do not grow any further if removed from the crystal biome.
  • Crystal Bonsais used as housing for Thunderbirds will remain constantly charged as the bird and tree sustain one another.
  • It is possible for charged crystals to be removed from a Crystal Bonsai and weaponized, but such is difficult to do. Weaponized crystals from this tree will shatter after one use.

Alchemical Properties

  • When coated in a salve made from Wyvern dust, crystals from the “leaves” of a Crystal Bonsai are capable of absorbing one spell cast upon a target of up to 80 mana, after which the crystal will promptly shatter.
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