
From Aethier


Geotrix are geometrically perfect shapes with rounded edges, being cubes, tetrahedrons or spheres. They float up to two meters off of the ground and move at most one meter per second, despite having no visible features to their bodies they are noted for making soft pings and popping noise which they use to communicate with other a visible source. Geotrix range in size between ten centimeters up to one meter in diameter with the consistency of water to the touch which despite their fluid nature is completely understood how they maintain their shapes.


Geotrix are considered Rare, and tend to appear or exist around areas of absurdly high magical energies.


Leylines, Magical hotspots, Veil tears.


It is speculated that Geotrix feed on background magical residues imperceptible to the majority of mortal races, and also actively absorb harmful forces.


Curious and Neutral towards all forms of life. Non-sentient creatures seem unable to even notice or interact with them.


  • Passive floating Creatures
  • Tamable to a limited degree, will follow whatever touches them last for up to two weeks
  • Feeds on background magical energies and will find themselves pulled towards such sources, especially harmful forces such as Exia.
  • Can only be encountered via an event.

Material Properties

  • The inner core of a Geotrix is a complex but naturally formed prism of mana. This can be melted down at high temperatures into 200ml of liquid mana, or crushed in the hand of a mage to restore 5 mana.
    • Restoration of mana has a 24 OOC hour cooldown after one use. Any additional destruction for the same effect has none, and the core loses its mana.

GeographyRacesFloraFaunaStonesMetalsClothForeign Continents
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier