
From Aethier

An anomaly of creation, Jenium has served the purposes of those who have held a bond to the skies themselves. As apart of the clouds, this rare metal has known to rest in the clouds themselves being light enough to sit upon their dense water. This metal is known to be used by those who give homage to those of the sky and is rarely found should one achieve these heights. This metal is said to be able to cut through the wind itself and is light enough to be carried and easily wielded by flying creatures.


Light Steel Blue.




  • Malleability: Average.
  • Magnetic: No.
  • Conductivity of Heat: Average.
  • Primary Uses: Weapons.


  • The metal is able to cut through the air itself, extending damage to those who are unarmored from up to five meters further of whatever weapon had sought the blow. Should a weapon of this make contact with its target, the metal is known to do more blunt damage.
  • Thrown weapons and ammunition made out of this are known to be far more accurate, giving those who use an arrow, bolt or such a weapon a +3 modifier to hit.

GeographyRacesFloraFaunaStonesMetalsClothForeign Continents
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier