
From Aethier

Krytis is a realm known for its pastel landscapes, sweet waters, and wondrous caverns. However, it’s the prominence of crystal lifeforms that catch the eye of most. Trees, flowers, animals, even the people are made from or have embedded in them either crystals or rare gemstones. At the center of it all is the vast kingdom of Candila. A tiered city with towering crystal formations, some being natural wonders, the others repurposed as government buildings, the largest and central most of such formations acting as the palace to the Tanzanite Queen. As the only nation in all of Krytis, war is largely unknown to the realm, violence as a whole is condemned by all, every soul within living harmoniously with one another. Never is someone out of line, nor is a mistake ever made, not lightly at least. Unbeknownst to all but those within Krytis, every gem and crystal is derived from the First Formation; what now serves as the palace itself. As such, any living thing with a crystal or gem within them forms a connection with the collective mind of the First Formation. Through this ‘hivemind’ the Tanzanite Queen and her court watches over each and every one of their subjects, keeping them from stepping out of line.


The landscape of Krytis varies from pink tinted grass fields, shiny crystal forests, to oceans said to taste sweeter than mouthwater. Each biome holds its own dangers of course. Within the grassy fields tend to roam Slithershards, the crystal forests containing crylem, and the oceans harboring glassy leviathan. The kingdom of Candila rests on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea. The walls lining the city are made of quartz and marble whilst most of the buildings are made with more natural materials. Brighter woods, mushrooms, or even crystals themselves.


The government in Krytis is ruled completely by the Tanzanite Queen, her two brothers, and her sister. From their palace, they can commune with the First Formation and hear the collective through physical contact with the heart of the crystal palace. Each sibling monitors a separate tier of the city with the queen monitoring and whispering orders to the guards and higher staff of the government. The Opal Prince rules over the innermost tier, known as the reflective district, home to most nobles. The Emerald Prince rules over the adjacent tier, also known as the financial or merchant district. Finally, the outermost layer is watched over by The Citrine Princess, this is where the general public resides. Besides the kingdom, there are few settlements around Krytis, most adjacent to or near Candila itself. These settlements have guards from Candila to watch over them.


Not much is known about the time before the First Formation, only the fallout of what came after it’s arrival. Before the First Formation, Krytis wasn’t dissimilar from Aversia. However, it was from a otherworldly comet that the First Formation grew from. The land around the crater had been infused with shards of crystals and gems alike, mutating the earth itself and by extension, it’s flora. One after another the ecosystem passed along this crystal mutation to one another. The mutation affected each species differently. Some undergo a drastic metamorphosis, becoming made entirely from crystal, others only having crystals and gems growing from them in choice patches. No matter the case, each became part of the collective. Among the first to undergo the metamorphosis was a small family living on the outskirts of civilization. They discovered the crater only to join the collective a few septs later. The same family would go on to become the founders and rulers of Candila. Generations have passed since the comet struck the earth, every war fought for freedom or crusades against the crystals long since defeated. As the world adapted to the crystal mutations, so did society. There are murmurs of rebellious activity on the far outskirts of the Candila Kingdom, but such activity is likely to be squandered before it’d ever reach the capital.

BlithneyFarcanithKrytisSynchronusThe Fey WildsThe Void
The World of AethiusThe Multiverse of Aethier