Ombra - The Mother Moon
Ombra orbits lazily about the world of Aethius, a stark and plane celestial sphere, marred by many a crater and crevasse. From the surface of Aethius, even without a telescopic device, Ombra shows herself in all the majestic glory that it may behold. Simple- It is, as we see it, a simple orb of platinum white, made of a dense yet soft stone that makes itself appear in such a manner. Some say, even, that it could be made of cheese- yet, the only sure fact, is that Ombra is ours. An eternal companion, rising each night as Sol sets his stalwart gaze to the other side of the globe.
Nisa - First Moon of Julia
Nisa finds itself in a rather close orbit to the parent, Julia- first of the paired Giant planets within the known solar system... It is challenging to see, without the aid of a very powerful telescopic unit, though the dimming of Julia's light when Nisa makes a full revolution is much more apparent. Nisa, is quite a large stellar body, nearly half the size of Aethius itself- though, a very different place indeed. Scarred by a thick and toxic atmosphere, it is to be believed that the surface is home to a very fractured and molten landscape, dotted with volcanoes and calderas alike, each belching sulfuric and corrosive gasses into the lower atmosphere of the large moon. Due to its properties, it seems to appear as a glowing yellow-orange orb, spiraling tightly around the parent planet, a stark difference in color compared to the calm tones of Julia.
Otota - Second Moon of Julia
Otota is considered to be the second moon of Julia, first of the paired Giant planets... While, it could easily be misconstrued for an independent object, over long periods of time, it has been observed to idly rotate closer to Julia than it does any other bit of stellar detritus. Otota is small, roughly twenty kilometers across on its long axis, and appears much like a tuberous root, akin to a potato almost- yet colored with a hue of green and lilac... Strange colors, and almost imperceptible without the aid of a telescopic device. If there is any notable strangeness to Otota, it is the very keen possibility that it is formed of some odd sky-faring metal, imbued with arcane properties.
Imoa - First Moon of Mulea
Imoa, is a moon of comparable size to Aethius' own moon, and equally appears to be quite similar. Orbiting within a generally wide path around Mulea, it tends to adopt an elliptical, or oval-shaped orbit around the second gaseous giant... It can only be seen from the surface of Aethius with a rather powerful telescopic lens, though- when viewed, appears to be little more than a crater-pocked sphere of silver and dark grey... It possesses a thin atmosphere, with quite a few dust storms that occasionally sweep across the moon's stoic surface, giving it the appearance of writing like it is covered with countless many insects. - Or, we hope they're dust storms. . .
Oneisa - Second Moon of Mulea
Oneisa is considered the second moon of Mulea- though at times it can claim to be the first, as its highly elliptical orbit often exchanges itself with Imoa- as it sweeps closer towards the atmosphere of Mulea... Being a small, though roughly spherical chunk of icy rock, it is believed to be a captured comet- at times, sweeping down through the upper atmosphere of Mulea, and leaving a flaming streak of light behind as it makes its eternal revolutions through the heavenly space. This streak of light, is easily visible from the surface of Aethius, even without a lens- when Mulea is at full appearance in the sky. It seems as a small brightening of the planetary surface, due to the intense heat and friction that is derived from the moon whipping through the giant planet's upper atmosphere.
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