White Stag Hide

From Aethier
Rarity: Rare.
Origin: The hide of a White Stag, skinned and treated to be wearable.
Color: Pure white. Can be dyed.
Texture: Soft, smooth, velvety.
Common Uses: Cloaks, blankets, coats.


White Stags are mysterious creatures, and their hides are no exception. When crafted into attire by a tailor, the magical properties of a White Stag hide can be used by the wearer. Some people will even elect to use White Stag hides as blankets to cover and hide magical items and entities.


  • Creatures who use night vision are unable to properly see the shape or being that is masked by this hide.
    • This applies to natural night vision as well as alchemical night vision.
  • Mages who use spells such as Arcane Eye or Soulsight cannot see through this material as the inherently magical hide prevents them from seeing what is on the other side.

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