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The discipline of Aeromancy can generate and manipulate wind and air.

Spell Name: Lift on Air

Mana: 2

Discipline: Aeromancy

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 1 Turn

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: Self, 5 Meters or 7 Meters

Spell Effect: The caster launches themselves in a direction of their choosing. The caster can be launched up to 5 meters vertically or 7 meters horizontally. The spell does not include a soft landing.

Spell Name: Deflection

Mana: 2

Discipline: Aeromancy

Concentration: Low

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: 15 Turns/3 Attacks

Range: Self, 10 Meters

Spell Effect: The caster creates a protective flurry of winds to surround a target and serve as protection against physical attacks. This spell is capable of deflecting up to three attacks before the winds will dissipate. When the winds deflect an attack, the target staggers- thus making it impossible for them to deflect and cast at the same time.

Spell Name: Blinding Gale

Mana: 2

Discipline: Aeromancy

Concentration: Low

Cast Time: 1 Turn

Spell Duration: 2 Turns

Range: 15 Meters

Spell Effect: When cast, this spell creates debris, rolling up to fifteen meters in a straight line from the caster. This gale has a total width of seven meters. These winds make it impossible for the caster to be seen through or targeted through normal means. After the spell is cast, it remains stationary, allowing the caster to move away from its original cast location.

Spell Name: Slow Fall

Mana: 3

Discipline: Aeromancy

Concentration: Low

Cast Time: 1 Turn

Spell Duration: Until Dispelled

Range: Self, 5 Meters

Spell Effect: Targeting themselves and up to two other targets, the caster creates a light pocket of air beneath the targets, slowing their descent to a walk-like rate of about three meters per turn when falling.

Spell Name: Slice

Mana: 3

Disciplines: Aeromancy

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: 15 Meters

Spell Effect: The caster is able to summon a flurry of sharp cutting winds to strike their opponent. Upon impact, these winds act as blades, slicing into flesh and scraping across armor. This spell follows Projectile Standards.

Spell Name: Airball

Mana: 3

Discipline: Aeromancy

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: 15 Meters

Spell Effect: A ball of air is launched at a singular target within 15 meters of the caster. This airball will cause the target to be knocked back 10 meters from their location. This air projectile is painful when struck, but will only cause bruising on unarmored targets. This spell follows Projectile Standards.

Spell Name: Flight

Mana: 3

Discipline: Aeromancy

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 3 Turns

Spell Duration: 15 Turns

Range: Self

Spell Effect: The caster flies up into the air. While flying, the caster moves at a speed equivalent to flying races in flight as noted on the Strength and Speed chart. Additionally, when flying, the caster cannot cast above Low Concentration.

Spell Name: Funnel of Wind

Mana: 3 + 2 per Turn

Discipline: Aeromancy

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: Channeled

Range: 10 Meters

Spell Effect: The caster creates a powerful funnel of wind in a direction of their choosing. The funnel is 3 meters wide and 10 meters long. It can stagger and knock down even heavily armored foes who have struggled against the funnel for 2 turns.

Spell Name: Shielding Gust

Mana: 4

Discipline: Aeromancy

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: 3 Turns

Range: 3 Meter Radius Around Self

Spell Effect: The caster causes a torrent of air to rise up around them in a 3 meter radius. The wind will stay where it was initially created for the duration of this spell. This whipping, shredding force of wind is capable of knocking away or destroying most mundane projectiles and cannot be passed through from either side. Attempts to pass through these gales of wind will cause deep slash wounds to unarmored flesh. This spell can only block tangible projectiles following the projectile rules and does not defend against magical attacks.

Spell Name: Disorient

Mana: 4

Discipline: Aeromancy

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: 1 Turn

Range: 15 Meters, 5 Meters Vertically

Spell Effect: The caster can select up to two targets within 15 meters of the caster, launching them 5 meters up into the air and making them lose balance. The next emote of both targets will be spent floating in the air, unable to control direction and move accurately. At the end of their emotes, each floating target should roll a 1d20 to attempt to land on their feet. A roll of 11 or higher will allow them to land on their feet in the next emote.

Spell Name: Tornado

Mana: 4 per Turn

Discipline: Aeromancy

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: Channeled

Range: 10 Meters, 3 Meter Radius

Spell Effect: This spell creates and unleashes a 3 meter radius tornado. When a person comes into contact with this tornado, it will rip anything from the grasp of those it comes into contact with, and anyone caught in the area of the whirlwind is flung aside 5 meters. Any unarmored individuals caught in the spell area are dealt a deep laceration by razor sharp bands of air in the mass. Armored individuals merely suffer fall damage. On each turn, the caster may move the spell up to 3m in any direction within range.

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