
From Aethier

The discipline of Healing encompasses the ability to mend physical wounds, manipulate diseases and toxins, and cure curses when combined with the Souls discipline.

Spell Name: Doctor’s Sight

Mana: 1

Discipline: Healing

Concentration: Low

Cast Time: 1 Turn

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: Self, Touch

Spell Effect: This spell acts as “x-ray” vision, allowing a first target (or self) to analyze the biological functions of a second target (or self). The first target may see any injury, broken or dislocated bone (along with their location), and identify present diseases in the second target.

Spell Name: Compression

Mana: 2

Discipline: Healing

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

Spell Effect: The caster compresses the target’s lungs and forces out anything within them, including liquids, heavy gases, or even objects. This is uncomfortable for the target and results in heavy coughing and sore lungs.

Spell Name: Jolt of Energy

Mana: 2

Discipline: Healing

Concentration: Low

Cast Time: 1 Turn

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

Spell Effect: The caster sends a jolt of energy through a target’s heart to resume its beating shortly after it stopped. The caster must roll a 1d20 and get a 14 or higher in order for this spell to be successful.

Spell Name: Antitoxin

Mana: 2

Discipline: Healing

Concentration: Low

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: 1 Stressful Scenario

Range: Self, 10 Meters

Spell Effect: This spell provides the target temporary immunity to toxins such as diseases, poisons, venoms, etc.

Spell Name: Anti-Heal [Profane]

Mana: 3

Discipline: Healing

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

Spell Effect: The caster reverses the natural healing processes of the body, causing an existing wound to worsen by one severity tier. This spell only works on existing injuries.

[This spell is profane.]

Spell Name: Redemption

Mana: 3 + 3 per Tier

Discipline: Healing

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 2 Turns

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

Spell Effect: This spell can heal damaged internals (such as organs, muscle, tendons, etc), severed arteries, reconstruct bone, recreate a lost limb, replenish lost blood, heal burns, treat frostbite, remove scars, etc. This spell cannot be used to cure diseases, toxins, plagues, poisons, curses etc.

2 Post Cast Time, 3 Mana: Minor - Minor cuts, scrapes, bruises, abrasions, and rashes 3 Post Cast Time, 6 Mana: Mild - Small lacerations, minor fractures, small punctures, small gashes requiring stitches, 1st degree burns, 1st degree frostbite 4 Post Cast Time, 9 Mana: Moderate - Broken bones, minor blood loss, 2nd degree burns, 2nd degree frostbite, deep lacerations, deep puncture wounds, deep gashes requiring stitches, minor missing appendages (fingers, toes, etc.) 5 Post Cast Time, 12 Mana: Severe - 3rd degree burns, 3rd degree frostbite, major blood loss, major lacerations, gashes, puncture wounds, etc. requiring extensive stitching 6 Post Cast Time, 15 Mana: Lethal - Fatal wounds, organ damage, missing limbs, 4th degree burns, 4th degree frostbite, etc.

Spell Name: Cure Toxin

Mana: 4

Discipline: Healing

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 3 Turns

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

Spell Effect: The caster cures a poison or venom from the body of their target. Very strong or potent poisons/venoms may require a second cast in order to fully eliminate the toxin from the body. When curing a person of poison/venoms, the toxin may optionally be extracted in the form of a solid or a liquid. This provides 1 single sample per person healed.

Spell Name: Cure Disease

Mana: 5

Discipline: Healing

Concentration: High

Cast Time: 3 Turns

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

Spell Effect: The caster eradicates a disease afflicting the target. This does not work on Genetic Deformities or Mental Illnesses, only on infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. This spell does cure magical diseases. This spell does NOT cure the Morto’s Malady disease or any curses. When curing lore diseases, consult with a LT member. When curing a person of a disease, the disease may optionally be extracted in the form of a solid or a liquid. This provides 1 single sample per person healed.

Spell Name: Lay on Hands

Mana: 5

Discipline: Healing

Concentration: High

Cast Time: 4 Turns

Spell Duration: Instant

Range: Touch

Spell Effect: This spell can heal one injury of any tier at a time.

Spell Name: Circle of Restoration

Mana: 5

Discipline: Healing

Concentration: Medium

Cast Time: 3 Turns

Spell Duration: 4 Turns

Range: 5 Meters, 5x5x5 Meters

Spell Effect: The caster creates a 5x5x5 area of healing that passively regenerates wounds at a rate of one tier reduced per turn. Each turn healing a progressively worse wound from the last. At most, the field can only heal up to moderate wounds. Regeneration per person differs between how long they've been in the circle. For example, a person who's been standing in the circle for three turns will be healed from moderate wounds and a person who's only stood in the circle for two turns will only be healed of mild wounds.

Magecraft Disciplines
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